Chapter 15

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She was finishing cooking as she saw Connor and Rebekah walked in. Connor looked at her confused. She wondered if the same thing was happening to him?

But before she could think anymore on the matter the world around here disappeared. She fell to the ground still a bit dizzy from the sudden move. She looked around her as she stood up. She soon realized she was in some sort of hut. She dusted herself off from the dirt that was on her.

"Hello Kate."
She heard a calm voice say behind her. She was startled. She quickly turned around and saw a woman in old clothing, she couldn't quite place it.
"Who are you? Why am I here?"
Kate started calmly after gathering her bearings.
"I am Ayanna. As to why your here is simple. An explanation on the dreams and your questions."

Kate didn't quite believe her and replied," were you the one who gave me those dreams?"

The nodded in reply.

"Yes it was I but there is a reason called by fate herself for this."

Kate looked at the woman like she had lost her mind, but said nothing.
Ayanna continued.
" You see my dear, you and the mikaelsons are mates."

Kate was still wary of the woman in front of her and said,"Mate? I'm sorry this is making no sense and if I'm being completely honest I'm pretty sure I'm imagining things."
Ayanna took a step closer to Kate.

" Your not my dear. You see a mate is, I believe the term you have is soulmate. And as for what makes no sense I'm assuming your referring to how your mate Kol got to the pantry yet you didn't see him."

Kate nodded.
"Our time is running short dear but you will find out in due time. Trust the Mikaelsons, but be wary of your other friends."

That was the last thing Kate heard before she woke up. She gasped as she sat up in her bed.

She didn't know if it was true or not.
Kate climbed out of bed and got dressed in black jeans. A skin tight red long sleeve shirt and a leather jacket. Kate ran downstairs with her backpack hung over her shoulder.

As she entered the kitchen she saw Olivia, Noah and Connor eating breakfast.

"Kate I need you at the station today. We have a new recruit who needs to learn the ropes. He's going to be your partner since nick quit. I have caresse with me on the new case. Rollands and Finn. You get the new guy." Olivia said with a proud look on her face knowing Kate can handle herself.

"Yeah sure no problem, Should I call in for the rest of the week to train the new guy?" Kate asked.

Olivia nodded her head. "Oh Kate I'm going to walk Noah to school can you drop Conner off?"
Kate smiled and nodded.

This is just a some up for SVU for character change. If you skip it you may be a little confused. But if you want to skip it go ahead the story will continue after the bold.
(So guys I'm jumping around for SVU if you watch the show you may get a little confused. But I'm just going break a few things down.
So for those of you who have seen SVU. So We're basically saying nick quit and Olivia Just got put in charge. And captain Kraygan retired after the hooker incident if you know what episode I'm talking about.

For those of you who dont watch it. Nick was just a officer who quit after a few seasons and the captain retired basically. And caresse is the detective who is taking nicks place as olivias partner.

If any of you have questions feel free to ask in the comments because I know this summary some up isn't the greatest any way back to the story.)
With that the family split up to get started on the day.

Kate dropped Connor off at the school and headed to the station.

When she arrived she went to her desk.
About 15 minutes later liv walked in looking flustered. Kate didn't want to intrude so she stayed at her desk.
All of a sudden Liv walked out again. A few minutes later liv walked back in with some one behind her, but as she got closer she saw Finn Kol and Rebekahs older brother who she met the night prior.

She realized Finn was the new guy she was training.

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