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Kate started to wake up from her slumber, but found that she couldn't move. She felt a weight around her waist. She lifted her hand up to pull it off, but when she touched it she felt a hand. She grabbed it to move it off, but she was pulled close to a body behind her. She went to turn her head to see who was keeping her there, but she then felt the culprit's face snuggle into the crook of her neck. She knew it was one of her mates.
She turned around in his arms only to see Elijah there. He looked at her and said," Good morning elskan." She gave a smile and said," morning, so are you going to keep me here all day or are we going to see what the plan is for this long term."

"Well, the first option can most certainly be arranged if that is what you wish." He said as he sat up and slightly hovered over her.

She felt her face flush as she shuffled herself back towards the head board.
He just smirked, but didn't move closer.

He continued," But I do suppose we have to set up arrangements with my brothers as I unfortunately have to share you." With that he got up pulling his mate with him until she was standing beside the bed and pressed against him. She looked down hiding her face from him. She felt him grab her chin lift it to look at him.
" Don't hide your blush from me ever," he said.

"Quit hogging her brother, she other mates who are waiting for her!" They heard Kol yell through the door. Kate stepped back from Elijah and went to her bags to get out an outfit. She turned back to Elijah who stared at the door with a look of annoyance across his face.
" Elijah can I use your bathroom to get changed?" He snapped out of his staring contest with the door and turned to his mate.
"Of course, what's mine is yours," he said with a small smile. Kate got dressed and she walked out to find Elijah in a crisp new suit. He turned to look at her as she entered and gestures for her to follow him. They walk down the the halls in and enter the living room where Kate was greeted by her other three mates. She wasn't quite sure what to say. Luckily she didn't have to say anything.
" So love, I was thinking as much as I hate to have to share you with my brothers. Each night you rotate who you spend the night with so then each of us have you for a night and then you can spend your day with who you wish." Klaus says as drinks some bourbon.
Kate raised an eyebrow and said," what if I want to have my own room and not want to have to put up with you lot hmmm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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