Chapter 4

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"Who do you think did it?" Kate asked.
"No clue who would want to hurt an innocent boy, but we will figure it out. But for now, let's go home and we'll notify the parents in the morning." Olivia told Kate. They went their separate ways to their cars.
'Ring ring ring,' she heard her phone go off just as she was about to start the car. She reached into her cup holder and pushed the hair out of her face and answered.
"This is Kate Haraway speaking how can I help you?"
" Hey Kate, it's Mr. Riker and I was wondering if you could swing by the Highschool and pick up Kylie and watch her there was a family emergency that came up."
Kylie is her teacher's daughter she does babysitting sometimes for her teacher since Kylie and Noah are friends. (Kylie is an Oc FYI)
" Yeah, yeah sure I don't think Olivia will mind we were planning on doing a movie night. Does she need to sleep over or is it just for a few hours?"
"Overnight. The garage code is the same, thank you so much, Kate."
"No problem Mr. Riker hope everything is going to be ok. I'm just pulling out of the station, should be there in about 20."
"Bye Kate."
She quickly set up her phone to her car speaker and called Olivia to inform her of Kylies stay.
"Hey Kate, where are you I just got home?"
"Hey Liv, yeah sorry about that Mr. Riker just called and needs me to pick up Kylie there's an emergency and he needs someone to babysit her. I hope it's ok that she's staying overnight."
"Yeah, no problem go pick her up I'll go, and grab take out from the rice bowl. We'll watch a movie tonight."
"Ok bye liv."
The phone hung up and continued her drive to the Highschool. She pulled into the parking lot, and all of a sudden, she felt an unsettling feeling, but she just shook it off and climbed out. She pushed the hair away from her face as the wind blew. She climbed out and locked her car. She started walking around the school to the front, which had only unlocked doors after school hours.

With the Mikaelson's
They started to wake up as light started showing through their eyelids. Rebekah was the first one to get up and look around as her brothers started to get up also. They woke up in some field with a building not too far off.

Kol was the first to speak," So where do we go from here."
Elijah looked at Klaus and said," Niklaus do you have the compass from Ayanna."

Klaus took a minute to grab it out of his pocket to see the arrow pointing to the building not far off. He looked at his family and showed them which way it was pointing. They nodded in silent agreement and started the short walk to the building.

Meanwhile with the mystic falls gang...

They all started waking up in a parking lot. The last thing that went through their heads when they blacked out was the image of the girl and Ester telling them that they would be somewhere she would be the next day.

The group got up and dusted themselves off from the dirt on the concrete.
Caroline started walking to the building that the parking lot was added onto. Damon was the first to notice this and said," Where are you going blondie?"

"To the sign Damon," Caroline replied with a roll of her eyes and continued to the building with the sign. Damon sighed annoyed and like everyone else followed.

They glanced at the sign, and it said NYC High School.

Elena looked at her friends and said," She's like us and she's being dragged into this mess."

All of a sudden, the vampires of the group heard three thuds from the area they had just woken up in. Stefan said," What was that?"
Bonnie looked at him," what was what?"

Caroline spoke up as Elena sat there looking just as confused as Bonnie. "The thud from over there."

They walked over to the area they were just in and saw a fully healed Alaric, an angry Jeremy, and a confused Matt laying on the floor of the parking lot.

Jeremy started yelling at Elena for having him compelled while Matt continued to look confused.

Alaric when he saw the Salvatore brothers and the teens he said," What the hell?"

The group quickly explained everything to them. They were on board with the idea knowing the danger the originals could cause to the people of Mystic Falls.

Stefan spoke up and said," Well, what's the plan? All we know is that their mate is going to be here tomorrow so she's a highschooler."

" We're going to need eyes everywhere, if you guys can compel me into the history teacher position, I can talk to the teachers around and see if they know her," Alaric said.

Caroline said," The rest of us will enroll and see if we have her in our classes."

Damon nodded in agreement and said," Alright let's go find the office to enroll you kids and get Ric his lifelong dream job as a history teacher."

Everyone just rolled their eyes at him and then...


Kate walked in through the front doors of the school. She saw the light was still on in the office, she walked in and saw Ms. Karter the secretary, and said," Hey Ms. Karter do you where Mr. Riker is I don't feel like searching the whole school for him again."

The woman looked at her with a kind smile and said," He's in his classroom with Kylie dear, he made sure not to make that mistake again."

Kate smiled and said," ok, thanks, Ms. Karter."

Kate quickly headed out to her teacher's classroom and saw the light on and the door open. She knocked on the door quietly to not startle the two people in the room.

The little girl who was blonde with blue eyes whipped her head around to Kate who Kylie would describe as a big sister.

"Kate," the little girl ran and wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist. Kate gave the young girl a quick squeeze before she looked at Mr. Riker and flashed him a quick smile.

He gave the girl a small smile and quickly got his stuff together and said," Thanks for doing this Kate on such short notice you're a lifesaver kid."
Kate replied," No problem, we'll swing by your place pack a bag and go back to my house. It's movie night."
He nodded with a small smile on his face. Kate felt a tug on her arm and saw Kylie.

She asked," Got all your stuff?"
"Yeah. Bye, Dad." Kylie said with a smile on her face.

He walked over and gave his daughter a quick hug and the two girls headed out. They made their way out the front doors and started walking around the building when they heard talking. Kate being protective and self-knowing what could happen in the night pushed Kylie behind her and walked towards the voices.

She heard a man say," Alright let's go find the office to enroll you kids and get Ric his lifelong dream job as a history teacher."

After hearing this said she wasn't too worried and calmly continued down the sidewalk to avoid the people.

She and Kylie continued to walk and talk when she heard a female voice say," Excuse me."
Kate turned around to face a blonde girl in stylish clothing. The girl in front of Kate gasped when she saw who it was but quickly covered it up and said," Hi I'm Caroline, um, me and my friends are new here and we were wondering where the office is."

Kate thought it was weird when she saw the recognition in the girl's eyes but quickly dismissed it.

"um, yeah no problem it's this way. So where did you move from if you don't mind me asking?"

A girl with dark hair and dark skin said," Virginia."
Kate realized that she knew none of their names and thought to herself," How could I be so rude."

"oh sorry, how rude of me, my name's Kate, and this is Kylie. I don't think I got the rest of your names."

Elena was the one to introduce everyone," I'm Elena, that's Damon, Stefan, Alaric but he prefers Ric, Matt, and Jeremy, my little brother."

Kate smiled at the girl, she seemed nice, and said," Well it's nice to meet you and this is your stop. But if you do happen to start by tomorrow you can join me and a couple of my friends in the library down this hallway in the morning."

They thanked her and she went on her way to her car and drove her and Kylie home.

Meanwhile the Mikaelson's...

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