Chapter 9

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The two best friends made their way to art. Connor's arm was still wrapped around her shoulders.
Klaus was sitting at his new temporary desk. To say he was irritated was a understatement, he spent the last hour listening to a bunch of teenagers who wouldn't even try to understand some of the artistic history he was trying to explain.

His phone dinged a few minutes after the bell rang. He glanced down hoping it was some good news. As he read through the texts he smirked, especially when he saw that his Mate Kate had him next. He watched as the students filed into the classroom hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

He heard a laugh coming from down the hallway, he knew who it was. He smiled but then it turned into a grimace as he heard a male chuckle. He watched as Kate walked in with a boy with black hair and a charming smile. The way she looked at him smiling almost sent him over the edge. Jealousy started clouding his judgment as they continued to their seats across the classroom.

He was so focused on the boy who was too close for his liking that he didn't notice Kate walk up to his desk.
He didn't snap out of his rage-filled daze until he heard someone clear their throat. When he glanced up from his desk he saw the redhead standing there with a kind smile on her face. He watched as she glanced at the board behind him and said.

"Hi, Mr. Mikaelson my name is Kate but I'm not sure if you're aware I have a note from the office that explains everything. If I end up leaving randomly after a phone call or something that you're aware of the situation." Kate handed him the note that addresses her job.

He took the envelope from her hand, nodded, and said," I'll read through it after class but it shouldn't be a problem."

She nodded at him and turned to walk off, but paused and turned to look at him and said in a quiet voice," Good luck this class is a nightmare, can't say I'm surprised Mr. Fletcher ran for the hills when he could."
She turned back around and walked away.

The bell rang and 5 minutes later in walked in Ason jocks as they liked to call themselves. They called themselves that because their names were Jason and Mason. Kate and Connor met them at the beginning of the year. After the first meeting, the two would follow Kate around either to talk to her, be near her or hit on her. She hated the two with a passion, they were complete nightmares who couldn't take a hint. When this started she would politely shew them off but they just became more persistent.

Klaus was sitting at his desk silently sneaking glances at his Mate watching the boy she was laughing with earlier. He didn't know that he wasn't the problem until he watched two older boys walk into the room late. He watched as the first thing the two did was walk over to Kate who had her back turned to them.

He growled lowly as he watched them lean over her blocking her in. He didn't do anything in fear of her fearing him, but he would rip out their throats if they kept going.

Mason was the first to speak. He put on a charming smile that most girls would melt to and said," Kate, I was wondering where you were at girl. I didn't see you at last night's game cheering me on or my boy Jason here."
Jason budded in and said," But you can consider yourself lucky, you could... you can make it up to us." He said the last part as he leaned in and whispered it into her ear.
Klaus heard this and snapped at what they were suggesting and was about to storm over to take care of the two boys, but not before he saw his Mate stand up and whip around.

Kate looked the two in the eyes and laughed coldly, people felt as if the temperature dropped. Most people in the school knew that Kate worked in the SVU and knew not to push her.

Kate said loudly and irritated," I'm so sick and tired of the two of you idiots hitting on me. I told you no, I have no interest in sleeping with you, I have no interest in being your girlfriend or a late-night shag. So I recommend stopping while you're ahead because I am at the end of my rope and if you hit on me again, I swear to god that I will make sure that neither of you gets those scholarships for college. Now F-off."

Klaus was smirking, he was still irritated about the two but he enjoyed the show thoroughly. He was about to tell the boys to take their seats until Jason said," The only reason you don't want to date us is that your two busy sleeping with Connor here."
" Kate laughed and said," Tell me Jason would you sleep with your sister? No, probably not, he's like my brother so don't assume things. Also, did it ever occur to you that maybe? I. Simply. Don't. Like. Stuck. Up. Stereotypical. Self. Absorbed. Pricks. And sorry Mr.Mikaelson for interrupting your class like this."

The room was deadly silent watching the scene in shock. Even though Kate was a Cop, she was probably one of the nicest people you would meet. No one other than Connor had seen her like this.
Klaus walked up to the two boys and said coldly," I recommend the two of you sit down at your desks and stop harassing her or you can go to the office."

The boys could feel the anger roll off him in waves, Klaus turned to Kate and asked," Are you ok love?" He said this while checking her over making sure neither of those two idiots hurt her in the slightest while they had her caged in between them. She shook her head and replied," Annoyed but fine thank you."

Klaus went to the front and started teaching the class.

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