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With Kate on the phone call.

Kate exited the lunchroom into the hallway. She answered and on came detective rolls.
" Hey, boss what's up?" Kate asked.
" It wasn't Mark that killed Nico but we have a pretty good idea who. We need you to come down to the station and interview one of the girls."
" Yeah, sure not a problem just let me get my bag and I'll be down.
Kate hung up and walked back to get her bag. Everyone looked at her and she said," I'm heading out it was a call from Detective Rollands."

Kate walked out and drove to the station. When she got there she saw a girl getting dragged out in cuffs and a blonde girl talking to Liv. She approached and heard her say," I shut him up." ( She killed the kid.)

" And then you went to marks," Olivia said.
" He snitched, I gave him the only fun he's ever had." The girl replied calmly, it was creepy.
The father said he was going to Call a lawyer.
The girl said annoyed," It's a little late Dad."
Kate then stepped in and said, "She's right and she's going to be in prison for a long time after what she did to that poor kid."
The group turned to look at her.
The father said," The kid was a gypsy who cares about them."

Kate rolled her eyes and said," At least we know where she gets it from."

The girl turned to Olivia and asked," Anything else?"

Liv looked at her and asked," Why?"
The only reply she got was," Why not?"
And with that, she was dragged away in cuffs.

" There is something seriously wrong with that girl," Kate said watching the girl being dragged away in disgust.

Kate then turned to Olivia," Got any paperwork or anything done?"

Rollands walked out of one of the conference rooms and up to them.
"Kate here is the reports I need done. Can you get them done by tomorrow?"

Kate smirked when she saw there were 5 reports.
" yep, not a problem."
Rollands handed Kate a $100 bill and went to talk to the captain.
As she walked off Olivia raised an eyebrow and Amaro smirked and said," She does hate writing reports doesn't she."
Kate smirked and said," Yep, easiest hundred bucks of my life."

"Well since I have the rest of the day off, I'm going to get these reports done."
With that, Kate walked off to her desk, as she walked past the captain's office he saw the files in her hands.
He said," Rollands reports."
Kate nodded with a smile since she knew he wouldn't do anything about it. He tried to stop it once and they did it when he wasn't there or on nonoffice hours so he just gave up.
Rollands walked out of the office of his from behind. She smirked when he gave her a look and went back to her desk. Kate went to her desk and wrote up the reports quickly. It was about 4 o clock when she got a text from Connor saying.
Connor - hey I caught a ride with Kol and Rebekah. So when you get done with work can you pick us up?
Kate- yeah sure just send me the address.
Connor sent her the address and asked dos Liv get Noah

Kate- yep she left about 45 minutes ago
Connor - and why haven't you?
Kate didn't answer right away knowing that Connor would laugh at her for enjoying stuff like this. But it was all in good nature. She didn't realize she sat there thinking for 5 minutes until she heard her phone go off again. She looked down to see.
Connor- you doing Rolland reports again lol.😆
Kate- shut up if you want a ride back.
Connor didn't reply and she knew she won.
Kate got up from her desk and gathered her things and started to head out to Kol and Rebekah's house.

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