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Kate refused to speak to the Mikaelsons for the rest of the week. Connor tried multiple times to get her to talk them. She wanted to tell him everything she had learned but it wasn't hers to tell.

The Mikaelsons were growing restless as the time to take their mates home was becoming less and less. Rebekah had a bit more of a chance, but they knew he wouldn't leave with out his best friend. The mystic falls group just had to get involved.

They spent hours upon hours trying to find a way for her to come talk to them but they came up blank.

The mystic falls group on the other hand were relieved. It was only one more week and then they could make sure the Mikaelsons wouldn't interfere. But there was one problem.
Kate didn't hate the Mikaelsons.

Friday week 3
Kate had left to pick of Noah so that she could take him home but Conner stopped her as she was getting into her car.

"Kate, hey wait up!" Connor was walking over to her car.

Kate turned her head to watch him approach. "Hey what's up?"

"Well you dont have to pick up Noah today."

Kate looked at him in confusion.
"Why not? Did something happen?"

He chuckled.
"No, no, no. Nothing happened it's just he has a sleep over with one of his friends. And you and I are going to hang out and meet up with a few friends."

Kate didnt think to much of this because when Connor would say this isn't the past it was them two and a few from their table. Little did she know that Rebekah had told him everything. He was going to drop of her car with her and they were going to drive to the mikaelsons and have a long talk.

"Alright sounds fun." She said with a smile.

The two drove home and dropped of the car. After driving with Connor for 20 minutes on a few familiar roads a bit out of down, Kate started to get concerned.

She looked around and turned to Conner and said," Hey Connor, where are we going?"

He took a deep breath and turned to Kate and said,"We're going to Rebekah's."

"Conner turn this car around."
"No, you've been ignoring them and you dont have a valid reason why."

"I have a valid reason Connor it's just not something that I can tell you."

Kate crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes a little.

"What? What cant you tell me Kate? Oh maybe its the fact that they're vampires." She could see Connor was getting frustrated, but as he finished her eyes widened.

She was speechless.
He chuckle humorlessly.
"What? Kate Rebekah told me after you started avoiding them like the plague. They have a good reason as to why they want to talk to us and why their here. I just need you to hear them out. I'm pretty sure you've notice how much them and Elena's group hate each other. Elena's group left a big important part out Kate that I really think you should hear."

Kate avoided eye contact.

"Fine." She turned her head to look out the window.

About five minutes later they pulled into the mikaelsons driveway.

As they walked up to the house Kate kept her face blank still not trusting them.

Connor knocked and a few minutes later Rebekah opened the door. She immediately gave Connor a hug.
He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

Rebekah turned her head to Kate after she untangled herself from Connor.
"Kate finally we've trying to get a hold of you all week."

Kate's expression was blank as she replied," I know."

That wasn't the reaction Rebekah was expecting from her friend.

She gestured the two to go into the house. As they walked in and went into the living room the Mikaelson brothers were sitting on the chairs and sofa's around the room. They had been watching the door since they heard Kate's voice.

She walked in and took a seat in one of single sofa chairs.

"I'm here so let's hear what was so important." Kate said coldly.

"Well depends on what you've heard darling. What did they say that made you run to the hills."
Kol was the first to talk.

" I was told about the sacrifice and everything you guys did to them. Not to mention what they hear from others."

Klaus came in next.

" I admit love I've done some terrible things to them, but there was a reason for it."

"Then let's hear it."

Elijah and Klaus spend the next half hour explaining about the sacrifice and Mikael.

Kate couldn't help but feel slightly empathetic, but it didn't explain why they were here for her and Connor.

"Connor told me that there are things that Elena and her group left out. I want know why they are so important."

Kate said in a softer tone starting to feel like they weren't the enemy.

Finn approached and kneeled in front of her.

"The reason we came here was because we came for our soulmate. Kate you are our soulmate. The doppelgänger and here friends tried to stop you because you are one of the only ways to kill us. That's why I tried to stop you from going with Elena last week."

Kate didn't want to believe what he was saying, but he sounded so genuine.

Kate shook herself out of it and stood up abruptly and said," No, that's complete none sense. They dont exist. I don't beli-"

She was cut off by Klaus who grabbed her hands and said,"We're telling you the truth love."

She wanted to cave, she felt a pull to just give in.

She ripped her hands from his grasp and pushed him away ignoring the hurt look on his face.

"No you can't expect me to believe this. There's no proof, no evidence to back this up."

But then she started thinking of Ayanna and that weird dream she had. No it was just her imagination or so she thought.

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