Chapter 17

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Week 1 Friday

Finn and Kate had been working on the Case but they've found nothing yet but they were still searching for "Prince Charming." Kate had finished school for the day over the last few days she gotten closer to Kol and started hanging out with Klaus during her free period while working on her art project for the class.

She also finally took Elijah's class in English. Some people at the school thought it was a little weird, but who were they to question the popular kids. Although there had been a few incidents include the Ason jocks but they were quickly shut down by Klaus or Kate.
Now with it finally being Friday and now was heading to work just so she could finish some paperwork.
Connor had the car as she was going home with Finn so she could have her girls night with Rebekah.

Little did she know that Rebekahs main goals was to see if the fiery red head had any feelings or connections to her brothers.

After trying to find Prince Charming with barely any luck, Kate spent the day search with no results. That and finishing her homework.

All of a sudden Kate's phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw a text from Rebekah.

Rebekah- hey, when are you and my brother done at the station?

Kate quickly replied.

Kate- about 15 minutes👍
Kate quickly went back to work. About 15 minutes later she felt a tap on her shoulder. She quickly looked up and saw Finn. She didn't know why but she kept thinking back to her dream. She didn't realize she was still staring until Finn raised an eyebrow smirking at her.

She blinked a few times and shook herself out of it and said "what?"

He chuckled and repeated what he said while she was zoned out.

"I said you ready to head out. Rebekah has been sending nonstop text messages for me to bring home."

"Yeah let's go." Kate said as she gathered her belongings from around her desk along with her overnight bag.

She gave Finn a quick smile as she turned to him. He silently raised his right arm for her to grab. Her mind went back to her weird dream, but she quickly dismissed it and shook it off. She looped her arm with his and headed to his car.

After 20 minutes of driving they arrive at the Mikaelson mansion. They grabbed Kates bags out of the car and as soon as the two stepped through the door Kate was quickly dragged away up to Rebekahs room.

As they made they're ways through the halls they were stopped as they approached Kol who had a smirk on his face.

" And what might you to be doing?" He raised an in question.

"Oh shove off Kol. And if you must know brother we're having a girls night therefore your not invited." Rebekah said sassily with a fake smile on her face.

"Then maybe I'll just need to steal Kate away later then," He said smirk still present as he looked at Kate.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and continued to pull her knew friend to her bedroom.

"Ill see you soon Kate!" Kate heard Kol yell after her.

She chuckled and thought to herself," Goodluck with that. I dont think Rebekahs giving me up anytime soon."

As they continued through the halls there was a door open and as she peered inside as the two passed it, she saw it was full of paintings and their was a half painted canvas standing in the middle of the room. She wasn't able to get a good look at it but she could of sworn it was here.

She didn't dwell on it to long as they got into Rebekahs room.

Rebekah huffed as she closed the door being Kate and said," Finally now we dont have to deal with my annoying brothers."

Kate couldn't help but chuckle as she approached Rebekahs bed taking in her knew surroundings.
She sat down and looked to Rebekah and said,"Oh come on their not that bad."

Rebekah scoffed as she walked over to where Kate was sitting and replied,"Try living with them love. Trust me after you live with them you'll understand the torment I've been put through."

It was silent and then the two girls bursted out laughing. Kate rolled her eyes at her dramatics.

About 4 hours later the two did many things together. They watched movies, ate pizza, painted nails, But now was the perfect time for Rebekah to see if the Mate bond was having any effect on Kate even when she's not from their universe.

The two were laying on the large king bed in Rebekahs room and they were just talking.

Kate asked the question she's been dying to know the answer to.

"So what's going on with you and Connor," Kate asked with a knowing smirk on her face.

Rebekah froze.

"um - what's going on with you and my brothers?" Rebekah responded back trying to get the attention off her in a way.

Kate simply raised an eyebrow and replied," I asked you first and besides, you answer my question and I'll answer yours hmm."

" Seems fair. In all honesty I like Connor." Rebekah said trying to sound nonchalant. Her new friend slash soon it be sister didn't need to know that it was a bit deeper than a crush.

Rebekah gestured for the red head to answer her question.
Kate didn't think Rebekah would answer her question, it certainly took her by surprise.

"Um-um," Kate started not exactly knowing what to say.

Rebekah chuckled and said," Well don't go all shy on me now darling."

Kate sighed and said," In all honesty I dont know Rebekah. I mean Kols charming. Klaus is sweet. Elijahs caring and let's be honest Finns the perfect gentlemen but-"

"But what? You have a thing all my brothers?" Rebekah smirked.

"What? No I- no um." Kates eyes were wide.

Rebekah started laughing causing Kate to be completely confused.

"Oh Kate, come on you should know by now the heart wants what the heart wants."

Kate looked at her shocked by her answer. Was Rebekah really ok with her liking her brothers?
Kate said," No not happening."

"Why not?" Rebekah looked at he questionably.

"Because first off they're your brother. Second off two of them are my teachers and the other ones my partner."
Kate said frantically trying to shut the conversation down.

"And what about Kol?"
Rebekah leaned in the smirk on her face getting bigger.

Kate face went blank and said," No comment."

Rebekah knew she won and let the girl be hoping that when the girl found out about everything she would be fine.

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