3-Are you stalking me?

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I reach Mia's home and cry my eyes out as I tell her about what happened. This incident has scared the crap out of me and of course, She's very angry at herself, at that man, and at those three guys since they just watched, although I know they would've stepped in if they thought I was incapable of handling it.

I cry for a bit and then compose myself, it's sad how every woman has to face some type of abuse at least once in her life. All because some stupid people don't know the meaning of consent.

I calm down and after watching some episodes of Tvd, we go to sleep.
As usual, during my bedtime overthinking, it strikes me that I have never seen those three guys here, and since our town isn't exactly big, they must be new.
and With that thought, I fall asleep.

I feel someone shaking me, and not lightly which ruins my mood first thing in the morning.
why are people so mean.

I wake up and see Mia's face, "get up we're going to be late"

I groan and get up, staring at the wall for some minutes before finally going to the washroom.
I get ready in the clothes I bought from home, I end up wearing a sweatshirt and a tennis skirt with sneakers.

Like I said, I'm a fashion icon


We get into Mia's car and drive away , after 10 mins of driving We reach school, we enter and look around for our friend Kai, we spot him near our lockers so I stealthily run and jump onto his back as any sane person would.

He screams, squeals quite honestly and Mia and I have a good laugh.

"I could have died," he says with a hand on his chest

"Oh shush," Mia says and I get off him, I find him looking at Mia with a loving look, I wish they'd just date now.
They're both such scaredy cats.

After our beautiful interaction, I go to Politics while Mia and Kai go to their class.

I get settled in the class and our teacher enters the class as well, He's Mr.Brown, he's pretty cool and I think he kinda likes me since I'm one of the best at political science.

Subtle flex

"Good morning everyone, today we have some new students that will be joining us," he says and three guys walk in, it's them.

Of course


Everyone is staring at them, and they don't look too bothered either. My eyes find Owens' and he smiles widely, making me smile back.

"Well it looks like you're well-acquainted with Miss white over there, so off you go to your seats now," Mr. Brown says with a smile

I laugh lightly as my eyes go over to a pair of light Gray eyes, Arcane. His eyes look so much lighter now, and so much prettier.

What a beautiful coincidence. As much as I hate his guts I don't think I'd mind looking at his pretty face.

perhaps hate is a heavy word

The guys take seats near me, Owen and James on the seat behind me while Arcane comes and sits on the seat next to mine.

"Are you stalking me?" The words leave my mouth before I could think them over and I mentally kill myself.

He looks at me, with a weird expression, licks his lips, and says, "and why would I stalk someone as boring as you."

Okay weirdo

I narrow my eyes at him, "mmhmm" I nod "yet here we are"

he chuckles lightly, "Here we are," he says with a small smile, that makes my heart flutter.


Her outfit-

Her outfit-

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