25-Our place

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I look to my right and find Reth with stars in her eyes, we had just now landed in New York and it would be an understatement to say she's excited.

Even on the entire flight she either talked about how excited she was about NYC, read a book to me, or talked about how crazy it was that we were traveling in a private jet.

It was adorable

More than being excited about NYC, I feel she's happy about everyone being together, we're all together, Owen James Cain and us.

"Ovi this is so cool" I hear her gush out as she slaps Owen's arm, who's going just as crazy as her.

I'm excited too, I've never been to NYC before this, never had to, turns out it IS as happening as everyone says.

"Do you wanna explore first or do that after we rest?" Owen asks everyone and I wait for Reth to reply

"Honestly, I am a bit tired and I'm sure everyone here is," she says as she looks at me.

I am tired as fuck

"Yeah, we could always explore later" Cain enters the convo, James agrees and we all decide on going to our respective places.

I got Reth and me a cozy apartment near her college, it's a pretty place, not too big to feel empty, with two bedrooms and a beautiful balcony, the view is amazing too, not as beautiful as her but she'll like it.

Owen got himself a place near us because surprisingly enough he wants to join Cain and Reth to college, so of course, James And I were plenty supportive.

Owen's parents died when he was a kid, jumped from foster home to home, a victim of the system but then we found each other, Same was the case with James but he never knew who his parents were.

James and Cain will be moving in together, in the same building as Owen but on a different floor.

So, we're all close to each other

It makes her happy and it makes me...happy.

And even though I'll never say this to their face, I'd kill for them, all of them.

"Arc you tired?" Reth questions me as I park the car in the apartment complex

"Very, you?"

"Yeah, jet lag is no joke" she sighs taking one bag out from the trunk as I get the others out.

I try to take the bag from her but she insists on holding it because and I quote, "she's a strong independent girlie" so I let her.

She's not incapable, I just don't want her to get tired.

We enter the floor of our apartment and I get the keys out, I let her enter first into the almost empty apartment, Reth and I picked a bed and mattress online so we'll have something to sleep on while we buy the other pieces of furniture later.

I observe her reaction and she looks awestruck, she always looks awestruck, she's easy to make happy, and she deserves the entire fucking world.

"Arc it looks even better in reality" she turns to me and smiles brightly, reducing my tiredness tenfolds.

I walk to her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close and putting my face in the crook of her neck.

I kiss below her ear and feel her sigh softly, making me feel things.

"I'm glad you like it" I mutter as the tiredness takes over again

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