22-Time flies

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I click on the button as I sigh, finally done with my last college application.
Yes, we're done with our graduation, and now onto the very tiring process of applying to colleges.
It's crazy how time flies.

Mom has been very supportive, she even apologised for what happened on my birthday and now she even encourages me to take breaks and relax
It's good.

I've been spending my days at Arc's place most of the time, completing my applications or just having movie time with him.
We haven't discussed what's going to happen when I go to college and to be honest it is making me a bit nervous.

I get out of my thoughts as my trip and fall down on the floor, face first.
My leg tangled in the rip of my ripped jeans.

"Fuck you jeans" I grumble, as I get up and wear it properly

We're having a small get together at Kai's place today, everyone will be there

Arc's going to pick me up at 2pm so I have around...5 mins!?

Shit shit shit

I rush quickly and do light makeup, adding earrings and rings as I take my phone and shoes.

I run downstairs and wear my shoes, calming my tired racing heart, taking a deep breath as the bell rang.

Mom opens the door as she greets Arc open heartedly, it makes me feel warm.

He smiles as he hugs her and she hugs him back.

He then comes over to me as I get up, he takes my hand in his and I bid mom goodbye as we leave.

"How are you doing today beautiful?" He questions as we walk to his car

"Now that I saw you? Amazing" I reply grinning and he chuckles lightly

"Of course you did" he says as pokes my side and I snort loudly

"Stop it bully"

"How dare you" he replies with an eye roll

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I gasp dramatically as we stop in front of his car

"No of course not" he answers quickly as he opens the car door and I sit.

We drive to Kai's house, blasting music the entire way, the get-together turned out to be really fun actually, Kai, Cain, and Owen somehow ended up in the pool fully dressed while I focused on my food, and Mia and James clicked their pictures.

Arc? he was my personal waiter, he brought me food...I also fed him along the way.

It was a good but tiring day. Arc drove us back to his home and we were now just staring at the ceiling together.



"yes darling"

"What's your...how do you feel about a long-distance relationship?"

"If that's what you want, then sure" he says, caressing my hand.

"I'm expecting to get answers for colleges, you know"

"And you'll get in to every single one you applied, I know that"  he says proudly and I giggle

"We'll...make it through...right?"

"Of course we will"

"How are you so sure Arc?"

"Well until you mentioned long distance, I was thinking of moving with you"

"You...what? Are you mad? You have your entire life here, you can't just leave it all"

"You're more important, you know I'd choose you in a heartbeat" he says looking at me and I calm down

"I don't want you to leave everything behind just for me Arc"

"I'm not leaving anything behind darling, I'll just be handling stuff from wherever we might me" he says and I sigh, feeling speechless.

"You know, I was even thinking of something else" he continues

"What else?" I ask with a chuckle

"Would you like to move in with me? It won't be anything different, it'll be like this, like it has always been"

"Move in? you want that?"

"Yeah baby, I do. Do you?"

"Yeah...yes I'll move in with you" I say with a huge smile as he smiles back at me, grinning like idiots.

He pulls me to him as I rest my head on his chest,

"We're strong you know, we will get through whatever happens, together" he mutters and I feel butterflies

"Have I ever told you I love you?" I ask sighing


"Are you sure?"


"I'm sure I said it"

"Say it again, just in case it makes me remember"

"I'll think about it"

He starts tickling me as I laugh loudly

"Say it belle, come on"

"No" I snort as I keep on laughing and he chuckles with me

"Well I love you darling, so so much, you know that right?" He says as he stops tickling me and pulls me to him again

"Yes I do" I sigh as I close my eyes



"I love you"

"Now I remember it" he says and I giggle

"I love you too"

Ok so filler chapter
Got food poisoning and puked like 10 times
Been sick for a week now
Also I'm trying my best w this book but I'm so tired lmao forgive me
Anddddd well this is it


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