21-Rent free

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I stretch my arms walking out the classroom, finally done with all the exams.
I am nervous about the result but happy that it's over now.
I'm excited to finally graduate and leave this shit place.

I walk out the building and find Arc standing next to the door, he finished his paper before me.

"Did you even attempt the entire paper?" I question reaching him
He looks up from his phone, his face lighting up as he smiles softly
"Enough to graduate" he says and I laugh.

"Come on, let's go amore" he says holding my right hand in his left, the wound on my wrist has healed but scars remain like a haunted memory.

He opens the passenger door for me and I get in, before he gets in, I open my bag and check whether I have his gift or not.
I do.

He sits in and buckles my seatbelt, I speak up again.

"I wanna take you somewhere, are you free right now?"

"I'm always free for you, you know that" he says and I melt looking at him with hearts in my eyes

I lean over and kiss his cheek, he blushes lightly.
"lead the way darling" he mutters softly

And so he starts driving as I give him directions, I wanted to do something special for him, like he always does for me and what better day than today?

We've completed an entire year now, I know! It's crazy how we met and immediately disliked each other, but then within two months of knowing each other we started dating, fell in love and now it's been a whole year, a year I'm glad I spent with him.
This past year I've been happier, stronger and just better in general.

All because of the idiot next to me.

Last week I was out driving alone, vibing to Taylor swift when I found this place, it's a place I know Arc would definitely like, it's a cliff like place from where you can see the sea but it's a field as well, surrounded by beautiful flowers.

I end giving him directions and we finally reach a huge bush, he looks at it weirdly and then at me.

"Are you sure this is where you wanted us to be at?"

"Yup, now come on scaredy-cat" I laugh and he gets out of the car, comes to my side. He takes his bag from the backseat and takes mine from me,
I try to take it back from him but he just snatches it away, carrying it on his the other hand and holding my hand with the other, so I wouldn't get it.

I guide him through the way and we soon the reach the destination, I look over at Arc and I see him observing the place in Awe.

I knew it !

"You likey?" I ask him, a bit nervous

He looks at me and deadpans,

I think my heart just shattered, and I'm sure it's visible because within a second he hugs the lights out of me, my feet dangling in the air, as he laughs lightly.

"I almost cried" I whisper as I hug him back

He puts me down but keeps me close to him, he looks at me and says, "I'm sorry I just wanted to try it once, I didn't mean to upset you" he finishes it with a kiss on my nose, I let a breath out.

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