9-Special Place

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Last night thankfully when I came back, it was quiet.

After getting done with the bathroom stuff I pick an outfit, something cute and cozy since it was getting colder these days. Fall is almost here and it's getting colder slowly.

I pick a blue sweatshirt and some mom jeans with sneakers, looks cute and is warm enough, I quickly brush my hair and get my bag, I decide on walking today because the weather is good.

I reach school and go to my locker in hopes of finding Arcane there like I usually always do but much to my dismay he wasn't there.

With a frown on my face, I go to my locker and get my books out, I start walking to my first class when I hear sounds coming out of a classroom, so I open the door to check if everything was okay.

and guess what?

I find Mia and Kai making out, they stop abruptly as they hear the door opening and look at me like a deer caught in the headlights, and that breaks my heart. I was always rooting for them, I expected they would tell me if they ever started dating, but then again I'm happy for them.

Not everything is about you.

I smile brightly at them as their reactions soften drastically,

"I knew it! It was only a matter of time" I squeal lightly, as happiness takes over my slight disappointment.

"Are you mad we didn't tell you?" Mia asks looking concerned

"Maybe a tiny bit but I'll get over it, Is this why you guys have been so distant these past few weeks?" I ask back

"yeah, we felt guilty about lying to you and not telling you, we wanted to and we would have, we just needed some time," Kai says

"And I completely get that, not everything is about me, I am very happy for you guys though," I say as I laugh

As we head out to our classes, my mind goes over to Arc and I send him a quick 'Are you okay?' and move to my class and get settled, the classes pass in a blur as its lunch now, James, Owen, and Noah aren't here either, and Cain is not here because he didn't want to be.

Moody ass

Lunch ends in a flash as Mia and Kai tell me all about their relationship, turns out they have been dating since before the ice skating thingy. I check my phone and see that Arcane left me on read.

that little shit

School ends quickly with me being zoned out, deciding on walking home rather than third-wheeling I exit the main gate of the school, I feel worried about him, is he sick?

I keep thinking as I walk, my eyes find a familiar black car parked near the school, and a handsome guy standing next to it.

My handsome guy, hehe.

He is NOT your guy.

well, not yet.

I walk to him as his eyes find me, I smile brightly, I missed him, even though I saw him last night. His eyes light up as they see me, as I finally stand in front of him I see the small smile playing on his lips, which makes me smile harder.

WHAT is happening to me?

"Hi," He says softly as his eyes never leave mine.

"Hey," I say with the smile still plastered on my face, my smile drops quickly as I remember that he wasn't at school today, he notices that but before he could say anything, I start

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