16-I'm sorry

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The remaining day of my birth was spent with me watching chick flicks and doing skincare, I slept at around 10:00 pm since I was already tired by pulling an all-nighter the previous night.

I had also spent today, i.e. Saturday, doing absolutely nothing and relaxing, I finished a book and also ordered some more books. I haven't seen Arc or any of my friends since school yesterday, but it's alright, Arc was busy today so we just texted and talked on call for some time.

I really needed some time alone after the talk I had with him and also because of whatever was happening or not happening at home and I was so grateful that he understood.

I am glad I didn't give up on us, not that his profession matters all that much to me anyway, he could be jobless and I'd still lo- like him.

After finishing my remaining pizza slice which I happily got for dinner, I clean up my room and the kitchen as well, I take a warm shower, and soon after it, fall asleep with a guy on my mind.

My handsome guy

I wake up due to weird pain in my lower abdomen and realize, it's code red.
Damn it.

Thankfully It's Sunday, so I get to stay at home.

I get up and waddle to the washroom, the cramp already giving me severe nausea, I clean up and do my stuff, thankfully I was stocked on pads.

No wonder I was being bitchy for the past few days, I think with a huff.

After brushing I walk downstairs, only to find it empty, again. I haven't seen her since Thursday evening. My face forms a frown as I head to the kitchen and get something to eat, I end up making a grilled cheese sandwich and some coffee, I head to the living room and have my breakfast while watching umbrella academy.

I end up binging around 5 episodes before I get up, clean the dishes and head up to my room. I plop on my bed and clutch my tummy in pain.

Reading will make me feel better, I think as I get up and get my current book, before reading I check my phone and find some texts, one catches my attention, of course, It's Arcane, My Arc.

My Arc <3 : Good morning beautiful, I hope you enjoy your time alone, you deserve it. No studying. Call me if you need anything or just call me anyway ;)

I smile as I text back, he's so cute.

Me: Good morningggg, or afternoon? yes, I'm enjoying it, No, I'm not studying and of course, I'll call you, I wanted to hear your voice anyways :) I hope your day goes well, stay safe cutie ;)

He sees the text quickly as he replies 'you too', with a sunflower emoji, IM CRYING.

He's still dry but he's trying...for me.

This makes my mood light up quickly and I smile giddily before I immerse myself in my book, and as usual, time slips away.

Before I know it, it's dark outside and the time is 6:45 pm, I spent around 4 hours reading but what makes me worry is that mom still isn't home.

I pick up my phone and see no texts from anyone, I quickly dial her number and wait for her to answer, but she doesn't, I call her about a million times, still no answer.

I head downstairs and wait for her by the door, I sit there for what feels like an eternity before I hear the door opening, I rush towards it and as soon as she enters, I hug her tight but she pushes me away, harshly.

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