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"Arc, if I googled you, what would I find?" I question, now we were sitting on the carpet back in his room, in front of the fireplace, because I had sneezed once. My back was on his chest, as his back rested against the wall behind us, it's currently 4 am and we've been talking about random things till now.

"I don't know Tesoro," he says, chuckling at the question.

I hum and take out my phone, I google his name and what I find doesn't shock me much. There's no picture of him, but his name seems enough to scare people away. I read an article that says he has two underbosses as well, Two....hmmm, Owen and James?

"So what did you find?" he asks smugly as he sees the screen of my phone from behind me as well.

"That you're pretty dangerous, no one has seen you so far and your name is enough to scare people away, dipshit," I say looking at him, his chin rested on my shoulder, he just laughs a bit.

Crazy ass

"It also says, you have two underbosses with you, Owen and James, I'm assuming?" I question as he stiffens a bit.

"yeah" he answers

"Does Cain know?" I ask

"...yes" he replies in a small voice

I can't help but feel betrayed, by all of them, even Cain.

"And you didn't tell me?" I ask feeling upset

"I'm sorry, at this point I know apologies are not enough, but I was scared Hiraeth, I didn't want you to leave me," he says as his grip on me tightens on my waist a bit, but not enough to hurt me.

I just sigh, I feel disappointed, by all of them, but I also understand where he's coming from, I wouldn't want to lose him either.

"You should've just dropped me at my place," I say my voice a bit cold

"and give them a chance to know where you live? fuck no" he replies his voice gone cold too, his chin no longer on my shoulder.

"they stopped following us as soon as we entered the city," I turn around, looking at him.

I'm pissed now

"I was not going to take a chance with you" he grunts as I just sigh

Of course, he did it for me

"I'll make it up to you, I promise I will" his tone now soft, as his words make me look at him, "also, I'm sorry for ruining your birthday" he finishes, looking down.

"Arc, you apologize too much," I say, taking his face in my hands, I don't want him to feel bad. His lips form a tiny pout as he keeps his eyes on the floor.

Aw, baby.

"It was an amazing birthday, I'd say best one I've had in years, you made me happy, there's no need to apologise" I finish as he smiles, looking relieved, he looks up at me and I smile brightly, my anger long gone.

"You're too fucking adorable mia Bella," he smiles as he pecks my nose lightly and pulls me into his chest, making me blush.

We spend another hour or so, talking about random stuff, comfortable in each other's presence.

Time passes in a heartbeat and before we know it, it's 6 am, so we decide to get ready for school, I get up and go to his bathroom as he leaves the room too, I get dressed in the clothes I was wearing last night and leave the washroom.

My head feels heavy and dizzy, probably because of the lack of sleep, I place my hand on the nearest wall to regain my balance, in a second Arc enters the room as he looks at me worriedly, he puts his arms around my waist and pulls my weight to him as I rest my head on his chest.

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