18-Happy place

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I groan as the continuous ringing of my phone wakes me up, I try to sit but fail when I realize I'm not alone.

I look down only to see her, my beautiful girl.

She looks peaceful sleeping, her head on my chest, her hair which was tied in a braid now a bit messy as she snored softly. The aster locket I got her was peeking out.

My hoodie makes her look smaller than she already is and the sweats fit her quite well, I knew she wouldn't be comfortable wearing pants that would threaten to slip down every second so I just got the same in her size.

I might've gotten multiple

Her right hand is resting on my stomach so I pick it up gently to check it, the bandages look clean so that's good.

The phone ring snaps me out of my daze as I pick it up gruffly
"I'm going to kill you if this isn't important," I say as I hear chuckles, fucking Owen.

"Listen, this is important, I've got info on the attack and the followers, will you come or should I ?" He asks as I look down at her,
I can't leave her today, I don't want to.

"Come over, but be quiet"

"Okay and just so you know Cain is with us"

Maybe this will give them a chance to talk

"Ok" I say and hang up

I need to get up but I don't want to disturb her, yesterday was very hectic and I know she must be tired.

I feel myself getting angry thinking about yesterday, watching her bleed out made me want to burn the world down, I'm glad she opened up to me, I will gladly take care of her for as long as she allows me.

I've never been in a relationship before this nor have I ever been intimate with anyone, I did have a crush when I was 16 but then shit happened and relationships were the last thing on my mind.

But now, she's always the first thing on my mind, my top most priority.

I sigh as I softly remove her hand and gently place her head on the pillow as I tuck her in properly, she looks like a burrito.

So fucking cute and all mine

Not yet, I remind myself

I have to make it official soon, these titles don't matter much to me but they do to her, so I'll care too. I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.

I peck her forehead and head to the washroom to get ready, after 20 mins I come out only to find her sitting on the bed and rubbing her eyes.

I go to her and kiss her forehead as she sighs contented, "Good morning beautiful" I say as she gives me a small smile

"Good morning handsome" she says playfully and my heart skips a beat

The day she spoke Italian, it almost stopped.

I smile as I sit next to her, "how are you feeling?"

"Good but my hand hurts a bit," she says with a pout and I almost say aww

I get up and give her a painkiller, she takes it and gets up.

"Your toothbrush, towels and clothes are on the counter and the pads are in the cabinet, take your time, whenever you're ready come downstairs, I'll be in the kitchen, okay?" I say as I check her bandage again, I'll change that after breakfast.

She nods and waddles to the washroom. I smile looking at her, she's like the missing piece to my puzzle.

I go downstairs as the bell rings too, I open the door and of course these idiots are here.

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