20-You're it

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Something tickles my neck so I open my eyes, only to find a mess of hair in front of my eyes. Arcane.

His head is in the crook of my neck as he snores softly, we were still in the pillow fort he had made for me, I smile thinking of yesterday, I told him that I love him and he loves me back.

a soft kiss on my neck brings me out of my thoughts, and I realize he has woken up.

"Good morning Love" he mutters and I swoon over his voice, it should be illegal to be this hot.

He chuckles as he gets his head out and looks at me, "Then you'd be in jail Reth" he says with a smirk

I tilt my head confused as he speaks up, "You thought out loud again" he smiles and I blush furiously, embarrassed.

"Good morning Arc" I reply softly as he places a soft kiss on my forehead and gets up, he offers me his hand, I take it and stand up too.

"so.." Arc says


"I was thinking since we've already missed school today and I need to get some work done at the office, how about you come with me? Of course only if you're comfortable with it."

"I would like that Arc, but I have to catch up on my studies, you know"

"You can always just take your stuff and study there, in my  office, I really don't want to be away from you Reth"

"Alright then, we'll have to stop by my place so I can get my stuff" I reply as he grins brightly and I smile back at him

he's such a cutie

"Of course darling," he says as he takes my hand and we walk to his room, I get dressed back in my dress while he gets dressed in the room next to his.

Arcane's office( how I imagine it) kinda cozy/dark/wood aesthetic (his house has this kinda aesthetic too for me)
You can imagine it however you want :)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arcane's office( how I imagine it) kinda cozy/dark/wood aesthetic (his house has this kinda aesthetic too for me) You can imagine it however ...

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"Geez,  Arc, this place is huge," I say as we walk into the building

we had stopped by my place so I could grab my stuff and I also changed into a comfy sundress.

"well, there are a lot of people who work and live here"


"yeah, most of our people  stay here"

"that's cool" I reply as we walk in deeper into the building, finally we stop in front of a huge oak door as Arc opens it I realize this is his office, it's not crazy big or anything, it's a comfortable sized room.

There are huge bookshelves that I fawn over as soon as we enter his office, he chuckles as he walks behind me, his hand on my waist.

"You like?"

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