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We are currently driving back to my place, it's 1 a.m. right now and the stars are shining. Arcane is driving, his left hand tangled with my right. It was a perfect date and an even better birthday, I feel content, and the smile playing on his usually blank face tells me he feels the same.

Nothing can ruin this moment for us.

I spoke too soon, because not a second later, a car, completely black, drives almost into us, it feels like an accident maybe the driver is drunk but my thoughts are proven wrong as another car drives behind it, and suddenly it all feels, thought out and planned.

This makes Arcane almost drive the car into a tree as his hand goes from my right hand to my left shoulder, to keep me back, my body jumps forward, even after the seatbelt and his hand. I thought this would make Arcane stop the car but what he does is completely opposite to what I expected.

He grunts out "Merda" and for once I know what he means.

I may or may not have learned the curse words in different languages.

He reverses the car, full speed, and makes a harsh turn, speeding away from the two cars that were now obviously following us.

"Are they following us, why are they following us Arc?" I question him my voice panicking, he sighs as he runs his hand through his hair and remains silent.

He drives even faster, as we barely miss crashing into another car, he's currently breaking god knows how many driving rules but I couldn't care less.

My blood pressure hits the roof.

"Arcane what in the fast and furious is happening?" I yell at him, he stays silent yet again.

I feel like I'm getting on his nerves but I don't care.

there's something he isn't telling me

"Arcane, SAY SOMETHING" I yell again as he finally reacts by punching the steering making the car jerk a bit.

I might be a teeny tiny bit scared now

"SHUT UP AND STOP ANNOYING ME FOR A SECOND" he yells making me flinch as I just slump into my seat, trying to disappear.

He could've just answered me nicely

I feel my eyes burn with unshed tears, and I know my nose must be red too, this always happens when I cry.

I don't want to cry

I stay in my thoughts as Arcane looks at me and scoffs, "and cue the tears, of course, a bit of yelling and you start crying, like a fucking baby,"

as if the damage wasn't enough already

His tone is rude, harsh, and cold, the only time I had heard him use this tone with me was the first time we met, and it didn't hurt me back then, he seemed like an ass but now? it was stabbing me in my heart, like daggers.

I want to cry, but I stop myself, I don't want to give him the satisfaction.

I notice that we're back in the city and the cars are still behind us, as soon as we enter the city, Arcane calls someone, I listen to the voice and it sounds a lot like... Owen to me?

"Ho bisogno di rinforzi, siamo fottutamente seguiti, due macchine, siamo appena entrati in città, mi aspetto rinforzi entro 5 minuti. stiamo guidando verso casa mia, mi aspetto di non essere seguito, inoltre aumenta la sicurezza a casa mia." he almsot yells into the phone.

(I need backup, we are being fucking followed, two cars, we just entered the city, I expect backup within 5 minutes. we are driving to my place, I expect to not be followed, also increase the security at my place.)

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