24- You're my home

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"This feels so weird" I mutter softly, which apparently is funny because it makes him chuckle.

"Well, it is a big change, isn't it?" He mentions as he walks to me and puts some of my clothes in the open suitcase.

We're in my room currently, packing... well, I am wasting time and Arc is packing but hey!teamwork.

"But I'm tired" I whine and plop down on the bed, making Arc sigh and sit next to me.

He pulls me to him and lays back, giving my 90-year-old back a much-needed break.

"Nervous?" he questions

"yeah...Are you sure it'll work out? us living together?" I wonder staring at the wall in front of me

I had been thinking about this for some days now, what if we broke up or what if we had a fight someday, although I doubt he would ever let it happen, considering how we never even argue, which is weird.

If a situation arises where we have different opinions, he never cuts me off, he hears me out and then he calmly explains his point, it never provokes a situation of an argument.

He's always calm and gentle, Which makes me want to be calm as well, but I do have another worry...we've been dating for a year now and nothing has happened yet, I don't want anything to happen yet and he has never for once done anything that would make me uncomfortable.

but is it what he wants?

what if this changes when we live together?

I don't want it to change

I'm very old school when it comes to things like these

"Of Course, it'll work out darling, what are you worried about?" he replies softly, massaging my shoulder

"i...well...needs...you know...we...nevermind" I huff out

he chuckles as he pulls me upwards a bit, making me face him

"I would never do or ask you to do anything you're not okay with, you already know that but I still promise, we'll go at your speed" he answers reading my mind

"what about your speed, what do you want?"

"what you want is what I want" he finishes pecking my forehead, making me feel better, I sigh and snuggle next to him as he sighs too.

this man owns my heart


"Are you guys done packing?" I hear a faint yell, rubbing my eyes I slowly get up, I look to my right and find Arc looking at me with the ghost of a smile

"what?" I mumble feeling a bit conscious, did I drool?

"I'm just looking forward to more of this" he answers and I smile involuntarily, all my worries disappearing.

"shush" I mutter and get up, I open the door and yell back a no to my mom.

Things between my mum and I have been fine, we're not exactly besties but she's not telling me to die either, so it's all cool I guess?

She already helped me pack my books yesterday, and today Arc helped me out with my closet, only one bag is left.

I got into one of the best law schools in new york, and luckily enough it turns out Arc already planned to start the head office there, so it all works out.

Kai and Mia got into the college they wanted to go to, while Cain will be going to law school with me. Truth be told, I'm very excited.

"I'm excited," I say to Arc as I finish packing up the last bag and place it with my other bags.

"I'm proud of you Tesoro," he says from his position on my bed

"I think I'll feel a little homesick, won't you?"


"why not?"

"cuz you're my home," he says it like its a fact, and I almost faint at how smooth it was

"You flirt" i narrow my eyes at him

"only with you" he winks at me

I finish packing the last bag and checking off everything from my checklist while Arc stares at me from his position on the bed, too lost in a conversation with him I don't even realize when I was done packing the bags.

I plop down next to him



"Are you okay with going to new york?"

"what do you mean?"

"do you even like new york?"

"baby, who doesn't like NYC?"

" I don't want you to have regrets is all" I mutter softly

He cups my cheek and lifts my face, " and I won't, My head office is there and the love of my life is there, what more could I want, yeah?"

"you sure?"

"absolutely" he answers with a surety in his eyes that I've never seen before, so I nod with a smile.

If he wants it, who am I to say no.

Suddenly a thought crosses my tiny brain,

"Hey! you never told me what happened with Elias and Dave?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose as he sits up straighter and looks at me

"What do you wanna know?"


"Okay, so you remember the kyle Moore guy? the one Owen told us about?"


"And you remember the guy that murdered my parents?"


"Turns out this Kyle is the son of that man, after I killed his father, he started building a little gang in the hopes of taking revenge one day, but he obviously either underestimated us or overestimated himself"

"That's crazy" I mutter

"What's crazier is that he's Dave's older brother"

I gasp

"And Elias?" I question

"He joined willingly, apparently Dave found out you rejected him too and wanted to form a little club" his tone turns sour at the mention of their names so I decide to end the conversation

"Well I was a bit worried about Dave's disappearance"

"What? Why?"

"Well it's like if you see a cockroach, you feel safer when you know where it is but when it disappears, hell breaks loose"

He laughs a full laugh, and I almost record it.

"You're funny but yeah that makes sense"

"Exactly so now I'm relieved"

"That's good amore" Arc says as he pulls me back to him, we lay down snuggling.

"We've got a flight tomorrow, better catch up on our beauty sleeps" he says and I religiously agree

"good night beautiful" I say in a sing song voice at 5pm when the sun is hardly even setting.

"Sleep tight handsome" he pecks my forehead as his comment makes me laugh

And soon we fall asleep, cozy and comfortable in each other's presence, ready to enter a new phase of life, like we've done so many times before, this time though, we won't be alone.

Heyyyyyaaaaa supp

I've got my exams from 21st so that sucks
Also NYC is like the IT place so I used it 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

And pls vote

It's currently 1am and I'm v tired so gunnite beauties 🤠🥺🌼

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