29- The question

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3 years later

"Cherry stop running," Hiraeth says to the baby that's not too small now

"Just because your dad isn't here anymore doesn't mean you won't listen to me" tiredly she plops down on the couch, cherry soon follows suit and plops next to hiraeth.

Her phone rings and brings her out of her head,

"I miss you" she groans into the phone, and a chuckle comes from the other side

"I miss you too my love, why do you sound so tired?" Arcane asks concerned

"Cherry doesn't listen to me," The tired girl says and the small puppy awoos

"See she agrees" This brings another chuckle out of Arcane, as his heart aches, not being able to spend time with his two girls.

"I wish I could be there" he whispers and Hiraeth sighs

"It's just a matter of a few hours" Hiraeth tries to console both Him and herself.

"Doesn't it feel crazy that I just graduated yesterday and now I'm dying of boredom" she changes the topic and laughs, making him laugh with her

"You deserve this break baby, try to make the most out of it, I have so many plans for us," He says and she can make out the smile he has on his face.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you" she smiles

On the other side of the world, originally he went for some work but ended up going to his family's house, Arcane is almost dying because he hasn't touched her in a week.

Reminiscing in the old house, he goes through the boxes and photos and finds some memoirs that he saves to show his girlfriend.

One such memoir just so happens to be the ring his father proposed to his mother with.

He keeps it with him, making it an accomplice for what he's going to do soon.



the door opens making cherry bark, I run to the door, finding my handsome-looking guy, on his knee,

petting cherry

He looks up and his smile widens, he stands up and I jump onto him, almost immediately his arms tighten around my waist and we just stay like that for some time, just soaking in each other's presence.

Over these past three years, we got used to spending time without each other, since I was either in college or he was busy but we always made time for each other on the weekends, went on dates, or just spent time together at home. This had been the longest we were away from each other.

With me still in his arms, he walks to the couch and sits, making me straddle him.

"I missed you" he sighs, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too" I kiss his neck and he shivers lightly

It's been difficult, being away from each other, being touch-deprived, not that...we've you know done...THAT, he knows I want to wait till marriage and he respects it, but other things have happened.

I missed just holding his hand or just hugging him, simple things but they mean the world.

and so we spend, god knows how many hours, just cuddling and kissing each other, to make up for the lost time.


I put the ring in the new box I got from Italy, Reth is currently getting ready for our date, my idea.

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