11-Pinky promise

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"We can't be friends anymore" he finishes as I feel my heart break into a million pieces.

"W-What?" I stutter as I laugh lightly hoping for it to be a joke

"I don't see you as a friend, anything but a friend" he continues and my chest keeps on constricting

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper

He sighs and turns to me, taking my hands in his, stroking them softly.

"What I mean, my love is that I like you and I have, for a long time and It's difficult for me to be just your friend, I want to be more if you'll allow me".

As weight is lifted off my chest, I look at him, waiting for him to continue.
He tucks a strand behind my ear as he continues,

"So, Hiraeth, Would you do me the honor and go on a date with me"

I start crying, again.

I was scared shitless bro

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry, it's completely okay even if you say no, please don't be upset because of it, I swear it's fine even if you don't-" he rants as my voice cuts him off

"I thought you were leaving me," I say between sobs as he shuts up

He doesn't say anything but pulls my body to his, my head on his shoulder as he rubs my back soothingly.

"I suppose my words were a bit misdirecting," he says softly

"You think?" I say as I punch his chest lightly and calm down, he smiles as he wipes the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"I would never leave you, belle, I swear,"  he says, seriousness evident in his eyes.

"I'll kill you if you do," I say with a pout

His eyes go to my lips for a second and return to my eyes, I notice the light in his eyes disappear, he turns his head away from me, he seems sad? but, why?

It takes me a whole minute to go over every possible reason before I realize what went wrong, I never gave him an answer.

Poor guy

"Arcane" I start with a soft tone
"Yeah?" he even sounds sad right now

"I would love to go out on a date with you,"  I say with a bright smile as he turns his head to me, his face lights up with a breathtaking smile showing his adorable dimples.

Scooting closer to me, he speaks up again,

"I was so mad when he asked you out, It made me realize that if I want you, I need to show it, and when you rejected him, I felt hopeless too." he says his tone a bit sad, he speaks up again, "Why did you reject him ?"

"Because he wasn't you" I softly say as his ears and cheek turn a light shade of pink and he smiles a soft endearing smile, which makes my heart melt.

"You're blushing!" I squeal as I take his face in my hands

"No, I'm not" He denies as he turns his face away from me and I laugh.

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