13-The date

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We begin the drive to our date when I realize I don't know the destination.

"Arc, where are we going?" I question turning my head towards him.

"It's a secret" he replies with a smirk

"oh come on" I groan but give up easily.

Most of the ride is spent with us vibing to a playlist that surprisingly had all my favorites, It could be that our music tastes are very similar.

Before reaching our destination we reach a Mcdonald's drive-thru.

"What do you want belle?" he questions

"Just a cold coffee and chicken nuggets, 10 piece" Arcane gives me a weird look but nods as he orders for both of us.

"Who gets a cold coffee from Mcdonald's?" He says smugly with a chuckle

"Please, it's like therapy in a liquid form, you can't convince me otherwise" I say with arms crossed

"I bet you'll change your mind when you try the coffee I make, not to toot my own horn, but there's nothing better than it" he says proudly

"I bet I won't change my mind."

"It's on then" he says smugly as I nod with a smirk.

cold coffee from McD is superior

As Arcane goes to pay for both of us, I hand him a 50 dollar note, he looks at me like I'm crazy as he pushes my hand aside, making me frown, he pays instead.

"Arc, you paid last time too, I wanted this to be my treat," I say with a pout

"You can treat me some other time, okay? but this is our date so let me spoil you" he says as he tucks a strand behind my ear and takes my hand in his, as he rests them both on the gearstick, mine under his. I simply nod.

As we get our food and drive away, it becomes clear that we're not in the city anymore, and it looks like the sun has started setting too, giving the sky a pink tint.

"Arc, can I open the window?" I ask, not wanting to annoy him.

"of course, why are you asking?" he turns to look at me, confusion on his face, I just shrug.

Because it's your car

I roll down the window, as he does the same, and soon cool air fills the car, making my hair dance around a bit, which makes me giggle.

Arc looks to me, his face lights up with a content smile, as he smooths out some of my hair with one of his hands, as I remove my hand from the gearstick and do the same.

With laughs and smiles we reach our destination, it seems vaguely similar to the one Arc took me to earlier but a bit different.

Arcane gets out and comes to my side to open my door, he offers his hand like a gentleman and I accept it as I get out of the car.

He takes the bags of food in his other hand and locks the car, with my hand in his, he starts walking, after a good 10 min walk we reach to a cliff.

I laugh as I say, "Are you finally killing me today?"

"Just when I got a date with you? heck no," he replies with a chuckle of his own.

"Arc, we've been walking for 20 mins now" I groan feeling tired

"Darling it's just been 5 mins, I can pick you up if you're tired," he says seriously as I quickly shake my head, tiredness long gone.

I'm not letting him break his spine by trying to pick me.

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