10-Romeo & Juliet

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Last night I slept with a smile on my face.

I wake up for school, a small smile prominent on my face, excited to see him.
As I look at my clothes, my smile falls as my eyes go to the shirt I was wearing when the corridor incident happened, I can't help but think, What happened to Dave?

Leaving my thoughts about him, I get ready and head out for school, I drive to school and walk to my locker.
I find Arcane there, with his phone in one hand and one hand in his pocket, looking hot as ever.

I smile giddily as I see him there, he has been doing this for more than a month, yet it never fails to make me smile stupidly.
I walk to him as his eyes go from his mobile to me, and light up as a small smile graces his lips too.

Feeling a little too courageous, I get on my toes and hug him.

Hugs are my love language

He stiffens just for a second, before he wraps his arms around me, tightening his hold and putting his face in the crook of my neck. He sighs lightly.

"Good morning Arc!" I chirp

"Good morning belle," He says, and I can feel his smile

"You seem happy today" He smirks and I blush

What in the fudgenoodles

"Yeah, I'm happy to see you, you handsome idiot" I say with a little giggle as his ears turn to a light shade of pink

I made him blush

Karma is a bitch

He clears his throat, back to his normal behavior, "You're the beautiful one, mia topolina" he says as his eyes sparkle.

"Did you just call me a pokemon?" I say as I narrow my eyes

"Maybe," He laughs lightly as he crosses his arms in front of him, leaning on the locker.

Why does his laugh sound so good ?

Mine sounds like a dying hyena, #sadlyf

"That's not very good of you, Giovanni," I say with a little laugh

"Good and bad is just a matter of how we perceive things," he says, wisely

"Sure, Saint Arcane" I snort and push him slightly away from my locker.

I collect my books and close the locker, He takes the books from my hand and holds them for me. We walk together to our first class and sit on the seats we usually do.

As class begins, I zone out, I fiddle with my hands to pass the time when I suddenly feel cold, rough hands on mine, Arc puts his hand between mine, so I fiddle with his hand and play with his rings. He closes his eyes and leans his head on the wall behind us, his other arm covering them.

Most of the classes are spent the same way, with his hand in mine. It is now lunchtime, and we head to our usual table, Now that I think of it, I haven't met Cain since this morning, or Mia and Kai for that matter.

Because you were too focused on Arcane

As we reach our seats, Cain gets up and hugs me tight, I hug him back.

"I missed you, my love," he says as he wipes nothing from his cheek

"Oh, you drama queen " I laugh and let go, only to get into another hug

I swear I saw all of them like two days ago

"I missed you H" Owen says and I laugh

"You're all such big babies" I was about to pull away when he gets pulled away from me, Turns out it was Arc that did it.

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