30- Epilouge

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"Good morning candycane" I mutter tiredly, shoving my face back in the blanket

"You need to stop with these weirdass names, my love" he chuckles, massaging my shoulders

"Are you tired?" He questions and I groan and nod

"Yea, it's not like you let me get any sleep last night anyway" I respond and he laughs, again.


"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you" he scoops me up in his arms, and I shove my face in his chest to avoid the morning sun.

Noon sun? Since it's 12 but whatever

"I made us lunch, since you know, we missed breakfast" he puts me on the dining table and walks to the kitchen.

Cherry walks up to me and nudges my knee, I pet her and she softly woofs.

"I'm back, I made your favourite" he says and places the dishes on table

"You made dumplings?" I look at him with hearts in my eyes

"Yes, now taste and review" he says and holds up one

Thank god I brushed my teeth earlier this morning

I take a bite and oh my lord

"Marrying you was a good decision" I nod while taking another bite, he laughs a full laugh, which somehow always manages to give me butterflies.

"Why? Because I make you food?" He teases

"Among other things" I smile and nod, he smiles cheekily and gives my forehead a wet kiss.


"Would you do me the honour and go on a date with me?" He asks with a bouquet of roses, making me laugh.

"We're literally married" This makes him smile too

"So what? Go on a date with me?"

"Of course" I smile and nod, making me him smile with me
"You ready my love?"

"Yea, lets go?" I question him, putting on my shoes. We're dressed casual.

"Lets take cherry with us" he says

"Oh sure" I say and and get her harness

We walk out and lock the doors, cherry jumping excitedly.

As we settle down and he buckles my seatbelt, He speaks up with a cheeky smile,

"This is our first date after marriage" his words make me smile and blush too.
He chuckles and pecks my cheek before starting the car.

Our wedding was nothing special, we did a simple court wedding and had a cozy reception for our close family and friends. Of course my mom, Mia and kai were also present with Owen and James.

We chose a nice venue, near a pond not in NYC but in my hometown, the place we first met.
It was beautiful, intimate and everything we've ever wanted.

Sometimes I just think and smile, from wanting to die to living with and for this man, I came a long way.

"Mic testing" he pokes my side, making me thrash around.

"Stop it, you bully" I rub my side and he smiles softly

"We're here" he gets off and comes to my side, opening my gate and helping me out.
Then we both got cherry out of the back seat, she's jumping crazily excited to be at the..
Where are we ?

I look around and then realise we came to the beach
How long did we drive for ?

Not paying thought to myself, I put my hand in Arc's while he holds Cherry's leash with the other hand.
I carry our small bag, that I'm assuming has a picnic mat and some snacks.

We reach a nice dry spot, and sit there. Letting cherry free, and she obviously runs straight to the water making both of us laugh.

He sits and pulls me down with him, I lean my body on his and we just sit there in the peace of the sea.

"So" he starts

"What did you do now?" I look at him, curious

He sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of his neck.

"Well, you know how you've been talking about going back home, and everything"


"And you even got a great offer"


"But how you didn't want to live in the rush because New York was enough rush"

"Oh my god get on with it Arc" I laugh at his beating around the bush

"Well, I might've gotten us a place, in the countryside...kinda, it's 20 mins away from the city"


"Yeah, I mean you've been talking about how three years in new York rush have made you tired and not gonna lie, same. It's hectic, and we don't want that. And when you told me you got an offer back home, I just decided to get a place, but in the outskirts, it's a pretty place and I know you'll like it but just don't be mad"
He breathes heavily after ranting and I just...sit there in awe and shock.

It's true I've been wanting to leave New York, and so has he.
But I didn't think he'd actually do something like this, and just wow.

"I...you're literally perfect Arc" I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Only for you" he relaxes and kisses my head. We hear a woof and realise a wet cherry was now hugging us, making us muddy with her.

But it's perfect, it's all beautiful.

"I love you" He says, removing a wet strand from my face

" and I love you, both of you." I kiss Arc's cheek and then Cherry's head making them both give me a giddy smile.

Such idiots

My idiots

I wish to have something like this one day 😔😔😔
But omg it's done, it's officially complete I'm so sad but excited idk why.
When I first started writing this, I never thought people would even see this let alone read AND like it.
But now we're at 1k+ views and I'm so happy.
I know this wasn't great, and I know it's just a very consistent book with not a great storyline or drama, but that's what I intended. I wanted to have a comfort book, so I made it.
I'm proud of it. I finished it and I'm so happy that I didn't leave it halfway.
And just- wow.
I might update some extra chapters in the future.
Until then, this is goodbye.


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