26- Regrets?

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I stretch my arms trying to find the warmth of his body but all I get is coldness,

he's not there

This makes me wake up puzzled, I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and get out of the bed hoping to find him in the kitchen but to my disappointment, he is nowhere to be seen.

That's weird, we still have three days before my college starts so he should be here

I finally check my phone and find a text from him

probably should've done that earlier

My Arc <3- At the office, something came up.

This sounds...weird and very unlike him.

maybe I'm thinking into it, maybe it was urgent, he has been spending all his time with me for the past few weeks, of course, his business needs time too.

but we were supposed to pick up the reading chairs today, I frown

It can wait, it must have been important if he left so suddenly

so I reply with a small okay and a smiley hoping it'd make his mood better and mine too.

I spend my time watching YouTube videos when an idea crosses my mind, I'm going to get him food.

I wear a cute blue crop top with baggy jeans, taking a fuzzy jacket along.

Fashion icon

I take my car and stop by the nearby mcdonalds to get him the happy meal with the baby Yoda toy because he's been obsessing over baby Yoda for some time now.

I reach his office building within 15 minutes and it never fails to mesmerise me, it's a beautiful, tall building.

I get in and the receptionist immediately recognizes me.

we've been here once before, to see the building in reality and also because I wanted to see it.

She smiles at me as I walk to the elevator and I smile back, I reach the top floor and find James standing outside the elevator.

"hey, James," I say as I get out

"oh Hey, what are you doing here?"

"what do you mean? I brought food" I laugh awkwardly

He goes to say something but instead, nods and leaves, I stay still for a second trying to make sense of what happened but when I can't, I walk to Arc's office.

I hear some noises coming so I figure it must be one of Arc's employees, so I  wait for around 5 mins but then decide to go in since I have to pick up the chairs in 30 mins too.

The smile I have on my face falls as soon as I enter his office

he told me something came up, and here he is with another girl on his lap.

"Arc what the fuck?" I say as calmly as I can and my voice sounds deadly even to me

His eyes quickly go from the girl to me and his previously emotionless eyes fill with fear and regret within a second

"Reth" he says as he softly pushes the girl off him, it takes another push for her to get off and when she does, she has a coy smile on her stupid face.

I shake my head, keep the happy meal on the table nearest to me, and leave as fast as I can, we can talk at home, I need space for now, and I know he knows that but it still breaks my heart a tiny bit when he doesn't follow me out.

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