4-What a beautiful coincidence

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I have no need to go to school, but because of a promise, I have to graduate.

I walk in the doors, get my schedule, and shit, I already have people I know here, as I enter people look at me weirdly.

People always judge too quickly, some look scared while some look attracted.
I wish I could say I'm surprised but these reactions aren't anything new.

"Hey Arcane" Owen says , He is one of my oldest friends, he smiles, and shakes my hand.

We're standing and talking about some stuff when we hear a squeal, quite loud. we turn our heads to find out the source, and we see her, she was on the back of this guy, and in front of them, another girl.

Although I don't think she is the source of the squeal.

She's beautiful, dark brown hair and black eyes, beautiful, she looks like she might be Asian.

I just stare, and as the bell rings, I walk to the class with my friends, the teacher then introduces us to the class and my eyes automatically catch her eyes.

The girl I met on the street, the girl I met in the supermarket, the corridor girl, Hiraeth.

Honestly I hated her when I first saw her but that didn't last for long though.
It was fucking annoying the way she snapped or stuttered, I wanted nothing more than to never see her again, but when I saw her the second time, in front of the supermarket, her eyes full of fear yet she was enraged enough to almost break a guys' arm.

Maybe hate is a heavy word

That made me realise, there was more to this girl than she let on.

And maybe, just maybe, I'd like to be the one she opens up to.

She's looking at Owen who smiles and she does the same.

I think I forgot how to breathe

Her eyes then come onto mine, She has these pretty dark brown eyes, almost black, Like melted chocolate. She looks away and into her book.

I walk to her seat, I can see other girls gawking at me and the guys look pissed. I sit next to her.

and god, she smells heavenly.

I look at her again, and she looks back, this time she looks a bit intimidated and that scares me, this time much closer.

She's beautiful.

"Are you stalking me ?" The words leave her mouth and I can see she's shocked herself which makes me chuckles inwardly.

I decide to play cool and reply, "and why would I stalk someone as boring as you?" I finish with a smirk

I observe as her lips form a pout and she narrows her eyes at me,

shit did I piss her off?

Wait why do I care again?

She tilts her head a bit and looks at me more intensely.

She's so fucking cute

"Mmhm, yet here we are" she replies, now smirking, which makes me swoon.


"Yet Here we are" I reply with a smile as her smirks is replaced by a small smile too.

I was a bit surprised because of the lack of attention I got from this girl, usually some girls would definitely give me attention, not that I care much for it, I'm a jerk I know, but I've never led anyone on.

As politics ends, much to my dismay, she gets up and leaves the class, I get my bag and move to my next class, Owen has history while James has a free period, I go to my next class and guess what, its with her again.

So I walk to her, as she's talking to two people, a guy and a girl, I walk up and sit next to her, she looks at me, and introduces me to the two people, of course they give me the same expression people usually do, a scared one.

I don't think I look that scary, I just have some, no, a lot of tattoos and I wear black, with my aura, people just assume the worst.

They're not wrong though

I see Kai, the guy, giving a weird concerned expression to Hiraeth, so I do what I do best, glare at him, Hiraeth sees me and giving me a look she says,

"Behave Arc" she says crossing her hands over her chest and leaning back into her chair, still looking at me.

I can see a bit of fear in her eyes so it amuses me how she can pretend to be this strong.

I want to know her so bad

"Arc?" I ask with a smirk, expecting her to be flustered or shy,

"yup", she replies casually

"Why?" I ask actually curious

"Why not?" She replies shrugging

This seems like the end of this conversation

"Ok" I reply and nod

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