28- I'm gonna puke

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"I'm so nervous"

"Try some deep breaths" he rubs my hands

"I think I'm gonna puke"

"oh god" he pulls me up and picks me up, walking out to the balcony to get some fresh air.

I'm freaking out, obviously, because it's my first day of college tomorrow and I'm scared shitless.

Thankfully I'll have Owen and Cain with me but I'm still very nervous and Arc...well as always he's trying to make me feel better.

But I'm panicking, my head going to the worst case scenarios, what if I don't make new friends? What if I embarrass myself? What if they hate me? So many things are going on right now and I can feel myself fidgeting.

"Darling, drink" Arc hands me a bottle of cold water and I take a sip, feeling a little better and taking a deep breath.

"I think I shouldn't go tomorrow" I mutter looking at the stars

"No, you should. Don't let these pointless thoughts win, it's not going to be as bad as you're probably thinking it will be" He says sitting in front of me.


"Really, I promise" he smiles at me, and just like that all my worries fade away.

"Come on" he pulls me onto my feet


"Let's go on a date" he smiles cheekily

"A date? Right now? It's 10 at night Arc" I laugh

"So what? That hasn't stopped us before, has it?"

"True, let's go" I smile, pulling him back into the apartment and locking the door.

We both bump into each other all the way to his car like idiots, we get in and after our routine of seatbelts, he begins driving.


"And you know I think I could pair that jeans with my blue top, the ribbed one, what do you think?" I question, stuffing another garlic bread into my face

"I think it'll look better with the green one" he answers taking a sip

"Oh yeah, I didn't even think of it" I smile proudly

A boyfriend with a good fashion sense...what more could I want?

"Are we done?" I ask wiping my hands

"Yeah, let's go" he smiles and gets up, I get up and reach the counter before him only to find out he already paid the bill.

I glare at him and he replies with a wink.


We walk out and he puts his arm around my waist, I don't look at him I keep my face neutral and walk out of his arm, to the car.

"Are you mad at me?" He questions teasingly

"Yes and now I'm not going to talk to you" i reply with a pout

"Oh come on" he laughs

We get in the car and I buckle my seatbelt before he can, this makes him frown.

Take that

"Baby, you're actually angry?" He asks, now not teasing, I don't answer, only keep looking out the window.

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