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I finally managed to ask her out, after all those second thoughts I did it.

In the few months that I've known her, there hasn't been a single dull moment.

I know she hates violence, wants nothing to do with it, yet I can't seem to leave her alone.

Everything about her intrigues me, the way she smiles or the way she scrunches her nose when she dislikes something, the tiny mole on her cheek or the little scar on her eyebrow, She's a walking masterpiece and as much as I've tried I can't seem to stay away from her.

The first time I saw her, I wanted nothing to do with her, she seemed weak and dumb, but first impression is not the last impression, The second meeting changed my view of her, so fragile yet so strong.

The definition of never judge a book by its cover.

When I found her in the corridor, and thank god I did, she looked so scared and delicate, The second I saw them, I felt rage, I punched the living daylights out of the bastard, and asked James to take him away, I hated the way she flinched away from me, not once but twice, even in the car, It broke my heart when I didn't even know her properly.

I didn't want her to be scared, I told her the same, yet I saw the look on her face and knew she didn't believe a single word my mouth left.

Fair enough, trust is earned.

I hated the way the guy behind the counter looked at her, again losing my control I ended up putting that guy back in his place, I regretted my actions and expected her to be mad or disappointed, but when I saw her trying to hide a smile, the regret disappeared, and pride surged over me.

After many years, I enjoyed myself and had fun, all because of a girl, all because of her, chasing her while listening to her giggle and finally catching her made my heart flutter, the way she looked at me with stars in her eyes and a bright smile gracing her face, it made my head blank, and I could only see her.

Months passed and my attraction towards her only grew, I don't like talking to anyone, but I wanted to communicate with her, I hated when people talked but I loved listening to her.

It broke my heart when I found her crying on the park bench, it kept on breaking as She opened up to me and I was ever so grateful. It hurt me how tired she was, from pretending, from trying to keep up. I told her how much I admired her, and how strong she was, sincerity laced in every word.

The way she relaxed in my presence, her head on my shoulder, her body next to mine, made my heart melt, and I wanted nothing more than to remove the pain and suffering, but since that wasn't possible, I'll make sure she's safe now.

I thought it would make her feel better, so I decided on taking her to my special place. when I picked her up from school, the last thing I expected from her, was worry, but there she was, worried about me, making me feel ticklish in my stomach.

It was no surprise when she liked the place I took her to, the way she smiled made me smile, and I was proud of myself for bringing her here, she's like a ball of fluff and hope and I want to protect her.

I will keep her safe, and I'm more than capable of doing so.

After my parents' death, It took me some time to become stable, but as I grew up I built walls, unpenetrable walls, I built our family mafia to be the biggest and strongest, my name was feared, and I became unapproachable. At the age of only 19, I'm one of the most feared men.

I was satisfied with my life, I thought I needed nothing else, but all those thoughts came crashing down as soon as I saw her, every conversation with her, every smile she gave me, or her rare hugs.

For the first time in my life, I got caught off guarded, lost in her thoughts and how that twat asked her out, I was scared, she'd say yes, but when she said she rejected him, I felt even more scared, I didn't want to lose her.
Lost in these thoughts I was attacked, and of course, they underestimated me, I killed four of them while I got away with only a cut and bruise, since I was already close to her place I decided to meet her regardless, but what I didn't expect was her reaction.

The way her smile died as soon as her eyes found my face and the light in them disappeared, I didn't think I looked that bad. The way she yelled at me, concern dripping from every word, her voice sounding weak, I hadn't heard this tone in years.

When I didn't even think of them as wounds, she cried for me, with every tear that slid down her red cheeks, the more my adoration for her increased.

This was when I decided, I couldn't be her friend anymore, I want to be more, and I need to show her that.

The way her eyes became glossy the second I said we couldn't be friends anymore was confusing, and when she started crying after my confession, I wanted to cry too.

But then as she said she thought I was leaving her, that hurt me even more but made me happy, she didn't want me to leave, maybe she did reciprocate my feelings, maybe there was hope after all.

She calmed down but my mood dampened as my question remained unanswered, I took it as silent rejection before Hiraeth answered my question, with a bright smile, my face copying hers.

When she said she rejected Elias because he wasn't me, my heart fluttered and I felt heat rushing to my cheeks, which made her chuckle, I leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek, making her sigh softly, I'll be as slow as she wants me to be.

As I stood up to leave, she protested, with a cute pout, but I had things to take care of, I had to plan the date and see who attacked me.

The way she asked me to promise her to never get hurt again, I wanted to keep her in my pocket and never let her go, but I compromised and kissed our entwined fingers.

She cared for me, It was a truth which was difficult for me to accept, those little gestures she did, meant a lot, like asking me to text her when I got home, and so I did, but she didn't reply so I assumed, she must've fallen asleep.

She never failed to enchant me, when she stepped out of her house, looking stunning as usual, I felt lucky as fuck.

I get to take her on a date, she's MY date.

She's making me soft but she likes it so I'll be a fucking teddy for her.

The walls I made had started to crumble down but I didn't care one bit.

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