19-The Date- II

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Pov- Arc clicked this pic ⬆️⬆️


It is now 4:55 pm and I'm outside her house, waiting for her to come out. I lean on the passenger side of my car as the soft breeze makes me sigh, I hear a door close and stand straight, my eyes find her, and I-

Holy fuck

She's gorgeous, She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I have known her for more than six months now, yet she never fails to take my breath away. She's just...stunning.

She walks towards me with a bright smile, the smile that makes its way to her face every time she sees me and I can't help but smile back, it's an involuntary action.

As she reaches me I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and watch her turn a beautiful shade of pink as she smiles up at me. My heart skips a beat when she speaks.

She said HI you whipped idiot, get a grip.

"Hey beautiful" I smile at her as she smiles back

I open the passenger door for her and get into my side, as always, I pull her seatbelt over, giving her a peck on her cheek as we begin driving.

She fiddles with my hand as I drive back to my place, I've noticed she doesn't like talking much in cars. She thinks her little fidgeting or the way she roughly scratches herself isn't noticeable, and they wouldn't be if I wasn't so invested in her. I notice every single thing, how her eyes get dull when she's sad, or how her cheeks get red when she's mad or just hot, I see her, and everything about her. The little dimple she gets next to her nose, or the mole on her cheek and the mole under her lip. I notice every single thing about her and I can't help but love them, Her and everything about her.

We finally reach as I park the car and get out, walking over to her side and opening the door as she smiles at me. I guide her to the backyard which I singlehandedly decorated, and I think I did well. She gasps as she sees it and I feel myself getting nervous, Does she not like it?


I gasp as I see the backyard, he did so much for me. I jump onto him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he secures his, around my waist.

"Do you like it?" he questions nervously and I can't play with him this time

"I love it" and I love you

He smiles as he looks at me, pulling back, "I'm glad you liked it, stay here for a bit, I'll be back in a second" he says and walks away, leaving me in the backyard, I walk around the place and click some pictures of it, to remember it.

I hear footsteps so I turn around, and there he is, walking towards me with a big bouquet of flowers, the colors completely mesmerizing.

He stops in front of me as he gets down on one knee

"Arc oh my god this is too soon for marriage," I say sarcastically as he just rolls his eyes

I smile brightly at him as he begins speaking, "Hiraeth?"


"I'm grateful for you, so, so much, and I want to spend every single second of my day with you, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine, I never cared about these relationship titles until you and I just...I can't imagine myself with anyone else baby, You're it for me and I want to make it official, I want to be your boyfriend if you'll allow me.
Be my girlfriend, Reth?"

He finishes and I wipe a tear that fell down, I launch myself onto him as I hug him, he falls on his back and he chuckles softly and hugs me back.  We lay there, on the grass of his backyard hugging, I sit up and pull him with me, as we both stand, I take his hand and give him a kiss,

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