Family Wounds Can Heal PT2- Y/N Romanoff-Barton (Marvel)

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Cambria's POV:

"Cambria, try to stay awake for me." Ward coaxes. I grumble and groan. "I don't need a fuss, I just want to sleep."

"Babe, hang on a little longer." My dad squeezes my hand. "They want to put an IV in you." I look up at him. He rests a cool hand on my cheek. The look on his face is one of pure fear. I immediately feel guilty.

"Dad, are you angry with me?" I whine a little. He chuckles. "I could never be angry at you. You work for SHIELD?" I nod.

He sighs. "Cambria, you are too young. You need to go back to school..." "I graduated early. Briarwood isn't just a school, it's a training academy. This has always been Fury's plan and in case you haven't noticed Fury is not a man you say no to."

Dad groans again. Dr. Banner gently grabs my arm. "Uhh...Miss Barton?" I look up at the quiet doctor. "You can call me Cambria and I'm ready for whatever you have to do."

"This will only pinch for a second, Cambria." He puts the IV in me, just as I watch them roll May into a different room.

"She's going to be okay. Right? You have to make sure she's okay." I say. Before anyone can respond the MedBay doors open and in walks Coulson, Captain America and the scariest of them all my mother: Natasha Romanoff.

I look at Coulson. "You couldn't have stalled a little longer?" Coulson smirks. Mom comes up to my side and holds my hand and brushes some hair out of my face.

"Baby, what were you thinking? Joining SHIELD before you were 18?" she's using her low but disapproving voice.

"My head hurts." I complain as I flop further back into the pillows. "I'm sure it does. But if you think you are old enough to make decisions like that on your own then you are old enough to accept the consequences..and furthermore...."

I grab my dad's arm. "I am going to throw up." He quickly passes me a bin, and I throw up. My mom moves my now messy braid behind me. Once I am done, Dad goes to clean the bucket. Mom touches my forehead. "Clint, she's really burning up."

"I know, Nat. What should we do, Bruce?" Dad questions. Bruce adjusts his glasses. I've sent for some cooling blankets, but the IV is injected with a substance meant to counteract the extra energy now searing through Cambria's body."

I lean back and close my eyes. "This is actual hell, isn't it? I am being punished for something I did in another life?"

"Don't be so dramatic, Cambria." My mom chastises. "You need to be nicer. She really isn't feeling well." Dad says.

Take your guess on who babies me more. 

"It's probably going to be a bit of an up and down in the next few days." Dr. Banner says.

"Can I sleep now?" I almost begged. "Yes, and you can even go up to one of the real bedrooms if you bring the IV with you."

I slowly stand up. Ward offers to carry me again. I give him a light kiss on the cheek and tell him to get some rest himself. I do the same with Coulson.

Mom and Dad bring me to Mom's room and let me sleep in her bed. They bring me a sweatshirt. And I fall into a restless sleep.


"May! May! Wake up." I'm screaming. Instead of being unconsciousness, she's lifeless in my arms, and I'm covered in her blood. "May, please. I can't lose you." I feel myself panicking, like I am losing air when suddenly.....

I open my eyes and I'm in a bed with a wide-eyed Skye looking at me. "Ssss..sorry." I whisper. "You're okay. Here take some of these." Skye says gently.

She hands me some pills and I swallow them dry before Skye can even hand me a water.

"I can get someone for you. Do you want anyone? Your dad? Or Ward?" I shake my head. "Just you."

So my best friend crawls into the bed with me and lets me lay against her. "It's going to be okay. May is going to be okay. She's starting to wake up a little. Coulson hasn't left her side."

I smile, already feeling myself start to drift. "Of course not."


The next time I open my eyes, Ward is hovering over me. He must have just laid the cooling blankets down around my neck. "You're worried about me." I state with a smirk. "Mr-I don't-do-teams."

He leans close. "Shut up."

"Did you sleep at all?" "The beds are too soft and it's too quiet." I shake my head at him.

"Plus.." he glances at my dad asleep in a chair. "Your parents think this is my fault, so I'm scared they'll kill me in my sleep."

I squint. "Why would they think it's your fault?" He shrugs. "Because priority would dictate that they can't think it is your's, Coulson's or May's fault."

I give a half smile and exhale. "Well thank you." 

I am embarrasses to say I erupt in a coughing fit. My whole chest aches. Like my lungs are still burning from the heat. I heard Dr. Banner was good, but I hope he is good enough to handle this.

Ward has me drink some water.

"Go back to sleep." He also feels my head for the temperature. His cool hand is the exact thing I needed to help me sleep again.


The third time I awake in Mom's bed, my mom is there at my bedside in a chair with nothing in her hands. Which is shocking since she can never sit still unless it's for a mission. 

"Hi." I croak out.

She leans in close. "Hi."

"You can get it over with now." I groan as I try to sit up.

"Easy there. And get what over with?" She asks, while trying to get me to lay down again.

"The scolding. Can't you just yell at me now? While I'm still weak." I smirk as I continue to sit up.

She sighs. "Baby, I don't want to yell at you. But this was crazy. Finding out you trained for years without us knowing? I thought we were closer than that. I trusted you more than that. Why would you put that all at risk?"

"I HAD TO!" I shout and immediately erupt into a coughing fit. Mom tries to get me some water. "If I wasn't an agent-  if I wasn't good enough for SHIELD, I was never going to be enough for you and Dad. SHIELD is your priority so I had to be a part of it."

Mom frowned. I sigh. I shouldn't have said that. "I'm sorry. I'm still not 100%. I'm feverish and emotional, so..." I try.

"No you're right. We haven't been fair to you. Priority wise. Seeing you here in this bed, the last few days I just realized how much you mean to me. I promise to be a better mom. Stay here, at the Avengers's Compound after you're recovered. Let dad and I take care of you and finish raising you before you've grown up all the way." 

I am honestly shocked by this. "I'll...I'll think about it."

She nods. Dr. Banner walks in. "Hey, you..two." he says realizing I am awake. "I just came to take your IV out. I think you're over the worst of it."

I look at Mom. "Can you check on May for me? I really want to know how she is." 

"Sure. I'll go check now for you." She says and leaves the room.

Once it's just Dr. Banner, I look at him. "So tell me, how long have you been in love with my mother?" His jaw literally dropped. "I didn't even..why would did you..."

"Oh relax. It's totally cool. She needs someone to balance her out. And I never dreamed of my parents getting together or anything. Believe me, they would never work out."

He sighs and removes my IV. "I care about her very much."

I smile. "I can tell. I am here for moral support whenever you need it."

"Well, just rest a little longer for now. We can talk more later." Banner says.

"That sounds like a good deal to me."

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