Even Dads can get sick - Tony Stark (Marvel)

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Tony was typing away at his computer. When suddenly, a small voice said "Daddy?" He quickly turned around to look at his small daughter, Lila. "Daddy, my tummy hurts."

Tony's eyes widen. "Ohhh nooooo." he said. He scooped Lila up so fast, the 7 year old had hardly realized what happened. He was now sprinting up the stairs to the Compound. "You gotta go to Papa with these things, my love. He will be so much better at it."

Lila whined. "But daddy, I want you." It's true, their girls: Lila and Morgan had somehow become more attached to him, but it all evened out as Cooper adored Clint.

Once outside the training room, Tony put Lila down so he could open the door to Clint, but before he could, Lila attached herself to Tony, clinging to his leg, pressing her face into it. She moved her face back and forth itching her nose on Tony's pants.

A panicked Tony banged on the glass doors. Clint looked up from his boxing to see his husband clearly being attacked by their small child. He chuckled as he exited the ring and headed towards them.

When he opened the door, Tony immediately tried to pass Lila on to him. "Something is wrong. She's sick. I don't know. You have to take her."

Clint snorted. "You really hate germs, don't you, Stark?" Clint reached out and quickly got Lila to take hold of him and he rubbed her back.

"It is a real phobia."  Tony insisted.

"We've been married 7 years and I have never once seen you sick."

"Because I avoid germs."

Clint bit his lip. "Alright, I've got it then."

Clint, an expert with 3 children and a fearful husband, gave Lila some medicine and some toast. Then he got her ready for bed a bit earlier than usual. He read her a story and she snuggled against him.

"Daddy said your tummy hurt, love. Do you feel like you might be sick?" Lila scrunched up her nose. "No, Papa. It doesn't hurt on the inside. It hurts on the outside."

Clint frowned as he gently pulled up her shirt just enough to see her tummy. There was nothing there. It was a little red but nothing else. He noticed that she felt warm, but decided to let her sleep.

Tony put the other children down to sleep himself, clearly attempting to make up for his ineptitude with Lila.

That night when the two men were in bed. Clint tried again. "You know it's not rocket science. All you have to do is cuddle them and show them you love them and usually they rest and recover in a few days."

"Grrrr." Tony said as he flopped over on his side of the bed and buried himself in the comforter.

Clint shook his head. There were only two things Tony Stark couldn't stand: germs and the idea of not being good at something. Sick kids meant both of those.

Clint expected to have Tony hide on his side of the bed the whole night. But it was about 4 am when he felt Tony's arms move to be around him and his face nuzzled in Clint's shoulder. He could feel Tony's warm breath. He didn't say anything until Tony started rubbing his arms up and down against Clint. At first it was subtle than it became very aggressive.

"Babe?" Clint mumbled.


"Are you trying to start something sexy? Because it's not working."

"No, sorry. I'm just...uncomfortable. I think I need some lotion for dry skin. Mine is suddenly really bothering me."

"Mmmm." Clint said as he started to doze off again.

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