Little Miss Independent - Y/N Stark/Steve Rogers (Marvel)

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Steve had always known that Y/N was independent. Tony often referred to her a 'self-cleaning oven'. Any problems she had, she would clean up in the same day, if not the same hour. Y/N was often the Avengers' problem solver. Her quick smarts and warm heart saved them more times than they could count.

So it shouldn't have surprised Steve when his girlfriend calmly announced she thought she may be coming down with a cold and would be taking it easy in her room.

That night though, she didn't come to dinner. Steve had come to enjoy family dinner at the Compound.

Thor was in Asgard, and Clint still spent a lot of time away at his mysterious farm. But the rest of the Avengers, Pepper and Y/N had come to be a family of their own.

"No Y/N?" Steve asked as Tony didn't hesitate to dig in to his meal. "No, she'll be holed up in her room. She and I have come to an agreement." Pepper made eye contact with Steve and shook her head the way she always did when she disagreed with Tony.

"What sort of agreement?" Natasha asked.

"She'll isolate until she's well again. Don't worry we've had this agreement for a long time." Tony said casually.

Pepper pushed the food around on her plate. "Since she was a kid." she mumbled.

Steve raised an eyebrow. Tony was a lot of things, but Y/N had assured him, Tony was a good dad. She claims he never missed big moments and always said 'I love you.' She never wanted for anything emotional or physical.

And from what Steve could tell, Y/N was Tony's favorite person and best friend.

But the thought that Tony makes her be sick alone, made Steve double guess everything Y/N said.

"Well then I'll bring her a plate." Steve said, deciding against having an argument with Tony. He quickly scooped some pasta on a plate with a buttery roll. (Y/N's favorite part of any meal is the bread.)

"You can't break the isolation wall." Tony said.

Steve slowly turned around. "Well she has to eat. And I'm not scared of germs."

Tony shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Steve went to Y/N's door and knocked. Despite being in a relationship for the better part of a year, they each still had their own rooms. Although Steve couldn't remember the last time he slept alone as the couple often flipped back and forth.

"Come in." she called out. Steve walked in to see Y/N sitting up in bed, typing away at her laptop. Her favorite crew neck sweater on. Her glasses that she wore when looking at screens (that technology still confused Steve) sat atop her slightly red nose. She smiled, looking happy as ever.

"Hi baby. What are you doing here?" she asked and then let out a small cough. He couldn't help but smile. He walked in the room and gestured to the plate of food.

"My dad would have left something outside the door. I don't want you to get sick." she said looking away embarrassed.

Steve sat at the end of the bed. Y/N could see from his body language, he was keeping his temper to himself.

He calmly said "You're not a dog that I'm going to leave food on the floor for. And I'm pretty sure I can't even get sick anymore, so move over."

Y/N smirked at that, put the laptop down and slid over. Steve sat next to her and handed her the plate of food.

Sitting next to her, he could see her color had faded even if her smile hadn't. "You look a little peaky." he murmured pressing a hand to her cheek. "I'll be fine." Y/N said casually. "Just need some rest."

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