Which kind of love - Eddie Diaz (911)

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Eddie and I have been friends since he was 8 and I was 6 and he wanted access to my treehouse.

We were childhood neighbors who grew into lifelong best friends. I was the 'best woman' in his wedding. He is the godfather to my daughter. We are each other's ride or dies.

When Shannon left him, he panicked and came to me. He didn't think he could be a single dad. Meanwhile, I was 'thriving' as a single mom. (His words, not mine.) I was actually kind of mess, feeling pretty alone after my daughter's father wanted nothing to do with us.

Eddie told me he wanted to start somewhere fresh. We picked L.A. together. We found a house we could afford and split it. Christopher was 7 and my daughter, Gemma was 3 when we moved here. Crazy to think that was two whole years ago.

Eddie and I have always had the easy kind of friendship. We love each other undoubtedly...maybe one of us loves a little more than the other. But I appreciate that we talk about everything, have looked our best and our worst in front of each other, and treat the others' kid like our own.

So when I'm standing in front of the mirror, straightening the last of my hair, for my first date in three months and I hear Christopher say "Aunt Y/N, I don't feel good." My heart sinks.

"Come here, lovie. What's hurting?" I ask as he presses his face into my side. "My throat... and..my..head." He whimpers out.

I sit him up on the counter and get out some medicine. He takes it quickly. This surprises me as Christopher, just like Eddie, always fights taking medicine.

"Do you want to lay down in your bed or on the couch?" I ask. Christopher's little face looked sad as he said couch.

I got him all settled with a blanket when Gemma came skipping up. "Is Christopher sick?"

"Yeah, baby. He's feeling a little sick. Could you be such a big helper and bring him a juice from the fridge?" She quickly nods happy to help.

I run my hands through Christopher's hair. "Your dad will be home soon." I say softly. Christopher curls up further into the couch, still facing me. He reaches a small hand out and grabs my shirt. Clearly he'd like me to stay. I give a soft smile.

I lift his head and move so to rest his head on my lap. Gemma comes back with the juice and quickly settles herself on the couch at Christopher's feet. "We should watch a movie. That always makes me feel better." Gemma suggested. Christopher gives a little nod. We put on a kids channel that's playing a movie they've both seen 100x before, so it's okay that we missed the beginning.

About 10 minutes later, the front door opens. "Uncle Eddie's home!" Gemma exclaims. She tries to escape from the tangle of legs and is standing just in time, as Eddie comes into the living room.

She flings herself into his arms and he scoops her up like he would any other time, but I can see that something is wrong just by looking at him.

His usual tanned and handsome face is almost gray. There's sweat on his brow and he just looks...tired. I could have sworn he didn't look like that when we left our shifts 3 hours ago.

We both work at the 118. But I came home to relieve Carla and he went to check on his abuelita who had hip surgery a few weeks ago.

"Are you alright?" I ask looking at him. His eyes look glazed over. He holds Gemma close and just nods. I don't believe him for one second. "Christopher isn't feeling well." I say letting my eyes leave Eddie's face back down to the sleepy boy on my lap.

Eddie gently puts Gemma down and comes over to look at Chris. "Hi buddy, not feeling good?" Chris shakes his head and throws an arm around my legs.

"Well buddy, you've got to let Aunt Y/N up." Christopher pushes his head further into me. Clinging like he hopes I'll never leave. Eddie gives a half laugh. "She has a date tonight."

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