The Bio-terrorist part 1 - Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)

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TW: murder, mentions of violent crime

*Mallory Quinn is the original character - just a little different from a Y/N story*

Mallory was looking intensely at the file before her. "This is bad." she said breaking her team's silence. Emily was rubbing the bridge of her nose. Her 'tell' that she was worried. They went over the case briefly before getting on the jet.

"This guy is literally poisoning his victims so they're sick for days." Mallory comments.

"It's unusual, because poison would indicate that the unsub wants a quick death, usually painless." Spencer mentions.

"It's usually a woman's first choice of weapon, right, Reid?" Mallory asked. "Statistically yes."

"But not for this unsub. He gets pleasure out of watching them suffer for the days after." Hotch says.

Mallory shivered. Morgan gently reached out to put a hand on her knee. It was a simple act of comfort. But it was dangerous.

Mallory and Morgan had begun a relationship a few months ago, but hadn't revealed the truth to the team. Mallory slowly looked at Morgan who calmly pulled his hand away realizing his mistake. Mallory thought she noticed Emily turn her head quickly but it may have been her imagination.

"The local hospital says they haven't seen anything like this. It starts like the flu, but the fever is harder to maintain. Almost like it's been..altered." JJ says.

"We're talking about bio-terrorism." Morgan says.

The team is quiet for the rest of the flight.

Once they land safely. Hotch sends Rossi and Reid to the hospital to check on the latest victim, Mallory and Morgan to the first attack location, and JJ, Emily and himself to the local police station.

Once they get to the scene of the crime, Morgan and Mallory get out of the car. They survey the park. "So the first victim, Josh Collins was sitting here alone in the park." Mallory said.

"So crime of opportunity?" Morgan poses. Mallory shrugs. "There is nothing in this area for a good few miles."

"He comes up says he's lost?" Morgan suggests.

"Gets close to Josh. Close enough that he is able to stab him with the needle injection.....An injection he's altered." Mallory sighs heavily at the thought.

Morgan looks around. Then he walks closer to Mallory. "It's going to be okay. We'll find him." Morgan reassured her. Mallory nods.

"Sorry about the jet. Force of habit." He says shyly.

Mallory smiles. "I know....We should probably tell them soon. I'm sure at least 2 of them know."

Morgan laughed it off. "We've all agreed not to profile each other." Mallory tilts her head. "Do you yourself even keep to that promise?" Morgan frowned. "Damn."

Morgan's phone started to ring.

"Hey Hotch."

"There was a sighting of a man acting strangely at the local movie theater. It's about 3 miles from you."

"We'll go over right now." Morgan said before hanging up.

He and Mallory rush to the car and over to the theater. They put on their gear so fast: bullet proof vest, comms in their ear and of course their weapon. They walk in quickly.

The cashier came right up to them. "He wanted to go into theater two but wouldn't show his ID to buy a ticket. It's just our policy. We tried to insist and then he made a run for it to the bathroom."

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