One crazy night out - Y/N/Peter Parker (Marvel)

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Y/N was exhausted. Her brain couldn't handle all the information it had floating around in it.

She lay on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. Then she glanced over at her side of the room filled with romance novels and journals and sketches. Then she turned to look at Peter's side filled with computers, plans for inventions, and Star Wars collectables.

She and Peter had been best friend since they were born. Their parents has been best friends since high school. Tragically, their parents died in the same plane crash. You would think both youths would crave the chance to start over. But they both felt that the other one was the only person who knew exactly what they were going through at the exact same time. The two had been inseparable ever since.

Y/N had helped Peter keep the Spider-Man secret and designed protection for him before Mr. Stark scooped him up. Once Peter made the deal with Mr. Stark - he was technically government property of SHIELD.

The only people allowed to know SHIELD information are agents of SHIELD and their spouses. When Mr. Stark started to suspect Peter had had outside help, Peter confessed that Y/N was involved.

But he told Mr. Stark, they had been together so long - And Mr. Stark shouldn't hold it against them and ya da ya da ya da.( Because Peter can ramble.)

The only problem...Y/N and Peter were NOT together in a romantic way. Just their lives kinda way.

When Mr. Stark invited the kids to live at the Avengers Compound and get internship credit for their 'special work', they quickly agreed.

But he only provided them one room...with one bed. ("Since you're basically married..." he had said with a smirk.)

The two 16 year olds were too stunned and scared of getting caught to say anything besides a thank you.

So now everyday, Y/N went to school and kept Peter's secret and lied about what she did at Stark Industries. (Ned was desperate for an internship now.)

Then she came home, lied to the Avengers about her and Peter.

Then at night got in the bed that she shared with Peter and pretended like it was totally fine and normal. Even though they kept waking up in each others' arms. (Neither of them had brought the topic up in the mornings.)

Y/N let out a groan. Her mind could explode with all these lies. And she was never a good liar.

Her phone buzzed. It was MJ.

MJ: Want to crash a senior party? I have the address :)

Y/N paused. She wasn't much of a partier, but honestly she needed a break so badly...

Y/N: Yes! Meet you downtown.

Y/N dressed in ripped jeans and a tight top that she never wore. She slipped on some white keds and was ready to go. She slipped a too big jacket on over her outfit to avoid suspicion before walking over to Natasha's room.

"Hey Nat?" she called out. Natasha looked up from her computer. "Hey sunshine. You going somewhere?"

Y/N nodded. Then she sighed. The whole point of tonight was to stop lying. "I'm going to a party with my friend MJ."

Nat smiled. "Good for you, thanks for telling me. Is Peter going?"

Y/N shook her head. "No, just need some time with a girlfriend, you know?" Nat smiled. "Yeah, I do. Have fun. Make good choices and call me if you need anything."

Y/N smiled. "Thanks Nat."

Then Y/N grabbed her phone, her wallet and her keys. She tucked them all in her coat pocket before heading out of the Compound.

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