Take a Break - Leonard Knox (For the People)

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Y/N = your name
L/N= your last name :)

I sat at my desk tapping my pencil against my binder. I was anxiously awaiting for my 'office neighbor' to arrive.

I had pretty much had a crush on Leonard Knox since we met at the swearing in ceremony. I mean how could I not? He's gorgeous and charming. Everyone loved him. I exhale. We had become good friends, so I guess I was going to have to settle for that.

This is pathetic. I thought as I struggled to pull my eyes from the door. I managed to do it just before Seth stuck his head in. "Roger is calling a meeting." I look up and smile. "Okie dokie."

Seth frowns. "What's wrong?"

I stand and shrug. "Nothing."

Seth raises an eyebrow. He can read me pretty well. I exhale. "Leonard isn't here and he always reads my closing statements and gives me feedback."

I walk towards the door so we can go to our meeting. "I can read it for you!" Seth says brightly. I don't have the heart to tell him it's not the same. So I smile. "Thanks, I'd like that."

I sit through a very short meeting hosted by Roger, still wondering where the heck Leonard is. He could be in court, but he has a schedule on his door and there's nothing on there.

"Y/N, stay behind a second." Roger Gunn says as the meeting ends and everyone else steps away.
I look at Seth with wide eyes, but he only shrugs before sprinting away. Seth fears Roger...a lot.

Once everyone is gone Roger comes up to me. Before I can say anything Roger says "I need you to bring these files to Leonard."

I sigh in relief. "Sure, uhh at the court house?"

"At his personal address. You been there?" Roger says with a bit of cavalier.

"Only once." I say with hesitation.

"Good you should be able to find it then." Roger hands me the small stack of files. There is a sticky note on top with Leonard's address.

He must read the confused look on my face. "You're not in court until 1:00 and I don't have an intern to spare, this is the Federal Government after all."

I just nod still looking unsure. "He asked me to send them."

"To his apartment?" I question.

"Yes, he sounds like death warmed over."

"He's sick?" I say with worry. Roger just glares at me. "Lawyers don't get sick, L/N. The law will wait for no one."

"Yes sir." I say. I go back to my office to grab my bag.

On my way to the train, I stopped by our favorite Pho place to bring him some. Leonard, Kate and I go often. I try to get Seth an invite when I can, but...well...he does talk a lot.

As I stand outside Leonard's beautiful apartment building I wonder if he even knows I'm coming. I'm suddenly nervous. I hide my nerves pretty well around Leonard. Being a prosecutor is a little like putting on an act. Sometimes I have to do that around Leonard.

I'm still me, but a more confident version.

The doorman opens the door for me.

"Welcome back Miss L/N." I try to hide my surprise as I enter.

"Is Mr. Knox expecting me?" I ask. The doorman smiles. "I'm not sure, but I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

I get in the elevator and go to Leonard's apartment. I knock on the door. Holding the soup container in my hands and the files secured tightly in my bag over my shoulder.

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