An ill-concieved plan - Peter Parker and Y/N (Marvel)

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Peter noticed how tired all the Avengers looked. SHIELD had really been dumping a lot of work on them. Tony especially looked worn out.

Peter and Y/N were orphans who were taken under Tony's wing as his interns. Tony and Pepper had started to be like parents to the two of them. They didn't know where they would be without the Starks.

It was after another night where Tony sent the teens to bed, but kept working himself that the pair of teens got the idea.

"He really needs a break." Y/N said sadly. Peter took her hand as he led them to their shared bedroom. "He'll never take one for himself." Peter said.

Y/N turned to look at him with a slow smile. "Oh man. That's never a good look." Peter moaned. He and Y/N had only recently started dating, but they had been childhood friends long before that.

"That's never a good look when it comes from you." Peter said again.

"He won't take a break for himself, but maybe we can get him to take a sick day for us." Y/N explained.

Peter squinted. "That's actually not that bad. What do we have to do?"

Y/N shrugged. "Fake being sick, which isn't hard. The hardest part will be programming Karen and Friday to confirm our mysterious illness."

Peter and Y/N stayed up to program their AI's and were ready to activate their plan in the morning.

The next morning Tony groaned as his alarm beeped. Pepper grumbled too. "Come on, sleep in. You didn't come to bed until 4:00 am." She mumbled.

Tony sighed. "I know, but I've got a busy day and I can't just..."

"Mr. Stark?"
"It appears Miss L/N has a fever of 102 and is in need of some assistance." Tony and Pepper sat right up. They loved the kids and hated when something was wrong with them.

The both rushed to the teens' room. Peter had just finished doozing Y/N with a warm face cloth so she looked wet and felt warm.

"Y/N?" Pepper called out as they walked into the room. Y/N bit her lip. She found Pepper harder to lie to.

"Oh I'm glad you're up. We didn't want to bother you, but she's been like this the last couple hours." Peter said.

Y/N was laying back and letting the residual water drip down forehead.

Tony, who hated to touch anyone sick, was the first to put a hand to her head. "Oh man she's really warm. Friday what is her temp?" Tony asked.

"It appears Miss L/N has a fever of 102 and is in need of some assistance." Friday said.

"Isn't that exactly what she said earlier?" Pepper questioned while Tony squinted.

Y/N grabbed Tony's wrist. "Mr. Stark my head is pounding. It hurts a lot." Y/N whined.

"I'll grab something for her." Pepper said quickly forgetting about Friday.

"I'm going to call Bruce." Tony said. They both stepped out of the room. Quickly Peter started to wet his neck and arms, then he went to the bathroom and used the blow dryer to warm his head and ears.

By the time Tony came back, he noticed Peter purposely shaking as he stood by Y/N's bedside.

"Pete, you okay?" Peter dramatically made like he was going to pass out. Y/N had to keep from rolling her eyes at his dramatics.

"Woah. Woah there. Take it easy. Come lie down." Tony said guiding Peter to the bed.

"What brought this on so quickly? You guys didn't say anything last night." Pepper asked as she re-entered the room to see now Peter laying down.

"Everyone has been working hard lately." Y/N said trying to sound a little dazed.

"We just want to keep up with you." Peter said in his sweetest voice.

Tony and Pepper looked at each other, exchanging a worried look. "Well everyone deserves a break sometimes." Tony said.

"Can we take one today?" Y/N asked. Pepper started to squint, clearly becoming suspicious. Peter had to act before she said anything.

"Mr. Stark I'm gonna throw up." He started to sit up and started breathing heavy. Tony quickly reached for a waste bin. Peter just kept breathing heavy and then tried to make a retching noise.

Y/N looked over at him super confused because fake throw up was not in their original plan.

After a minute or so of the forcing heavy breathing. Peter said he was okay. Tony put down the waste bin. "I'm gonna try Bruce again. He's not answering." Tony said worried.

"Come on. let's get you guys downstairs to the couch. We'll air this room out." Pepper suggested. She helped Y/N stand, noticing how Peter was suddenly fine to walk on his own. They brought their pillows and blankets down to the couch.

The teens snuggled up together. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Pepper asked. They both nodded. Pepper handed them the remote.

They were skimming through movies when Tony came down to join them. "Bruce is a bit occupied today. He'll be by later."

"That's okay. I think all we really need is rest." Y/N said.

"Will you both stay with us?" Peter asked. Tony nodded and sat on the reclining chair next to them. Pepper said she needed to make a phone call first.

Peter eventually settled on watching Frozen. ("How original! Young hero finds herself with unexpected power." Y/N teased as Peter glared at her.) 

It didn't take more than 10 minutes into the movie for Tony to be fast asleep.

"That was easy." Peter said.

"Yeah, like really easy. We're good at this. We should make more plans." Y/N said happily.

"We planned like bad boss bit..." Peter was interrupted. 

"You planned what now?" Pepper said suddenly behind them.

Both teens sat right up. They looked at each other. "Well we kinda..." "And then we just..."

They each shot nervous looks at each other. Pepper crossed her arms. "Spill it."

"We kinda faked being sick so Tony would take a sick day with us and just..." Y/N started.

"Rest?" Peter suggested.

Pepper uncrossed her arms. Her face softened. "You were worried about him?" The pair nodded.

"We just thought...SHIELD is asking a lot of you both right now."

"You deserve some time to reset and relax."

Pepper put her phone down and without another word climbed into the chair with Tony. She grabbed a blanket and tossed it over both of them.

"You are both right. Let's have a nice day. Just our family." They all smiled.

When Tony woke up later, Pepper never mentioned a word of their conversation.

But Peter and Y/N knew - they were always going to be there to look out for Tony just like he did for them.


Kinda short but sweet! :)

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