You can't go! - Evan Buckley (911)

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The story of Buck and I is a long one. As I sit in his bed with his shirt on, I try to remember how it all started.

We met in Peru, where he was a bartender and I was a traveling nurse. He called me to the bar to help with the drunk fools on more than one occasion and we became fast friends.

....then we were more than friends. But it was always casual, both of us knowing we wouldn't be in Peru forever. But then he moved to LA, and my association sent me to LA. I guess there was an upside to not knowing where I would be sent, because it was the best surprise of my life when we bumped into each other. Well kind of bumped into each other...

One day, a few weeks ago, I was walking my dog, Ghost on the beach when he pulled the rope and ran right up to a stranger. Except it wasn't a stranger, it was Buck.

"Y/N?" I remember the excitement in his voice as he asked. I couldn't believe the chances. Needless to say, we picked up exactly where we left off from 2 years ago..on a casual level.

We had been seeing each other for the past few weeks. But he still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm not really sure what I would call us. Except that, I had the worst day at work and I found myself driving here instead of home. 

I slowly stood up admiring myself in the mirror. I was wearing Buck's white button down shirt and had high knee socks on. This was certainly a LOOK. It was so not me at all. I don't know what I was trying to prove.

Before I could put on anything else, the door opened to reveal a disheveled Buck. His face had a bit of ash on it. His shirt was untucked, which was so unlike him. He loved to show off his abs through the tight tuck.

Then he looked up at me and smiled wide. "Hi beautiful, what are you doing here?" I suddenly felt very shy. I had come here, used my emergency key and sat in Buck's bed and put his shirt on. He might think that's weird.

I shrugged. He closed the door gently and walked over. He pressed a kiss to my temple. "You okay?" he asked gently. We don't usually get super emotional.

I sigh. "I had a bad day at work and didn't want to sleep alone."

He gave a slight smile. "I am feeling the same way." He tossed his bag down. He put a hand to his stomach. "Do you want to order some food and watch a movie?" I nod vehemently.

He inches close and puts his hands on my waist. "I desperately need a shower."

"Yeah you stink." I laugh.

Buck laughs too. "If..uhh.. you order food and pick it up, you could swing by your apartment and bring Ghost here for the night."  My eyes widen. "Really?"

Buck nods. "But you should probably put on some pants on when you get it." I chuckle. "Deal."

An hour later, we are all settled in Buck's bed. He's all showered and clean. And I have settled to keep my leggings on.

I couldn't be happier, with a pizza box between us and my big white Husky at the end of the bed. "You spoil him." Buck said lightly as Ghost rolled over to smile at us.

  As the movie went on, Buck seemed squirmy. He had barely touched his pizza. He fidgeted and seemed distracted. He was obviously bothered by something, but still managed to be so kind to me. Oh boy, I have it bad....

I had cleaned up dinner and turned off the TV. "Ready for bed?" He just nodded. I sent Ghost to the floor while Buck was still brushing his teeth. (I had brushed mine earlier.) Ghost whined. But I gave him my best dog-mom look.

Buck came back, curled up under the covers and quickly clung to my body. He was always the big spoon.

"Thanks for tonight. I needed that." I say lightly. "I don't know what I would do without you, Y/N." he says back.

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