Hydra has no chill - Steve and Bucky (Marvel)

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Y/N - your name

Y/N/N - your nickname

*Steve is your boyfriend, but Bucky is your best friend and they both get sick after a mission gone wrong*

I watched in horror as the Hydra agent raised his hand and plunged a syringe into Steve's neck. It took but a second for me to raise my SHIELD weapon and shoot a sleeping dart at him.

The agent fell to the ground with a thump and I raced to Steve's side. Steve was laying on the ground. His eyes barely open.

"Steve, it's me. It's Y/N. Do you know where you are? Can you hear me?"

He looked like he was heaving for breaths. I reached for the empty syringe on the ground nearby. I barely knew anything about this base or what kind of experiments they were conducting here.

"Y/N." he mumbled. "Yeah baby, I'm here." I reassure him.

"I'm getting saved by the princess? That seems backwards." He once again heaved for breath and could barely sit up.

"Take it easy. Stay down for a second." I insist.

I'm so worried about Steve, I almost forget my surroundings, until I hear....

"Y/N!!!!" I whip around to see a Hydra agent coming at me. I stand up and knock him in the nose. He falls backwards into the ever loyal Bucky Barnes' arms. Buck is giving him hell, but the agent pulls out an identical syringe to the one that Steve got stuck with.

I reach for my weapon and shoot another sleeping dart as quick as I can except it's not before the agent manages to stick the needle in Bucky's flesh arm.

Bucky, just like Steve, falls straight to the ground. I groan. There goes my backup and my best friend.

I quickly deem the room clear of any other agents and call for assistance on coms.

"Go see him." Steve grunts out as he pushes himself into a sitting position.

I go kneel by Bucky. "Buck, it's me." I say as I gently shake him.

"Little Y/N/N...coming to my rescue?"

I groan. "Why do men always assume they have to do the saving?" Buck just laughs, but it looks almost painful.

The rest of the team helps me get the boys back to the Quinn jet. Both of them keep insisting they're fine, but I know better.

Back at the compound, when neither Super Soldier is looking, I give Bruce one of the empty syringe's I collected off the ground.

"Test it for everything, Bruce. Everything." he just nods. With much protest, I put both boys to bed.

Steve gets comfortable in our room, then he falls asleep the instant his head hits the pillow. I sit with him for a bit, before going to check on Buck.

Bucky was Steve's best friend for a long time. In some ways they've both saved each other. I knock gently at Buck's door. I don't hear anything. I think about walking away. He's probably just sleeping it off - like Steve.

But something in me hesitates, so I push on his door, very surprised to find it unlocked. Bucky never slept with the door unlocked.

It only takes a second to deduce that the bed hasn't been slept in. "Bucky? It's Y/N. You there?"

That's when I heard it. From the bathroom, I could definitely hear someone breathing heavily.

I don't waste time rushing over there. I don't even knock as I push that door open. However the door catches on Buck's outstretched leg, as he's sitting on the floor.

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