Dog Days- Young Sirius Black (HP)

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I was minding my own business, sitting outside at a table in Hogsmeade finishing up some potions essay. My older sister, by one year Lily had said she could not come with me as she had prefect business to attend to. But I did not mind coming to Hogsmeade alone.

I did my work and watched out of the corner of my eye how James and Peter played around and Sirius was on a bench by himself. I don't know what had happened but for the last few weeks James, Peter and even surprisingly Remus had been ignoring Sirius because they had had some fight.

I have no idea what the fight was about. Nobody ever really knew what went on between the self-named group of the Mauraders. But I was merely surprised they had yet to make amends.

I finished the last line of my essay and then walked over to Sirius. "Would you like some company?" I asked simply. Sirius shifted. "Figured you'd take the side of everyone else." I sat down on the bench. "The world isn't out to get you, Sirius." Just as I said that, it began to lightly rain. I had luckily brought a raincoat and slipped it on, tucking my essay underneath.

"Sure feels like it." Sirius mumbled as he shivered in his regular leather jacket. "Let me summon you a raincoat." I offered. "No thanks." Sirius pouted as he started his walk back to the castle.

I know I should leave it alone, but I waited for James and Peter and asked if I could walk with them. James held an umbrella over the 3 of our heads. "Can I ask you something?" I asked hesitantly. "If the question is 'will James ever not have a crush on your sister, the answer is no." Peter quipped. James shook his head. "What's the question, Y/N?"

I sighed, really hoping he wouldn't kick me out of the umbrella once I asked. "Are you ever going to forgive Sirius? I know you're fighting, but what could be so horrible that it would pull you apart? You're best friends."

James sighed. "I'm sorry. It's none of my business, but...okay so think of it like this. Lily and Petunia are my sisters. Petunia can be wicked, but she's always my sister." James crossed his arms and adjusted his glasses. "But you'd choose Lily." I was startled. "What do you mean?"

"When Petunia is a bully or is mean to Lily, you defend her. I know you do. If it came down to picking Petunia or Lily, you'd pick Lily." I shrugged. "Well, yeah. Lily is my sister and my best friend. She defends me too."

"Then you of all people should know. Sometimes we have to pick a...sibling." James hesitated. I looked up and was surprised to find I was already at the castle. James lowered the umbrella and we stood under the arches. "I'll meet you in the Great Hall, James." Peter said walking off without saying anything to me. He clearly didn't feel attached to this conversation.

"'re saying Sirius and..Remus are your brothers." I put together. James nods. I throw my hands up. "James, it simply isn't the same. I would give anything to have a better relationship with Petunia. We argue, because she's jealous. But I never stop trying...Don't stop trying with Sirius just yet."

James shrugs. "I'll think about it. Thanks, Evans." I head up to the Gryffindor Common room. I walk in to find a shivering Sirius in front of the fire. His hair is soaking wet and sticking to his forehead. We make eye-contact. His big puppy dog eyes. He looks away from me like a wounded dog. I grab a blanket off one of the chairs and walk over to him.

I wrap him in it and brush the hair off his face

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I wrap him in it and brush the hair off his face. "Sorry about earlier. You were just trying to be nice."

I sigh. "No, I'm sorry. I should have listened. Seems like you have worse luck than I gave you credit for." He laughs. "I think you should get some dry clothes on." He nods and goes to stand but his balance seems off. I quickly grab him.

"Woah. You okay?" he hold his head in his hands. "Yeah, yeah just a little fuzzy." "You have a headache?" I ask. He smirks. "I had a few drinks." I sigh. Sirius was really going through it. He put on an act for everyone, but here was super super vulnerable.

I looked at the boys staircase. There was a charm everyone knew to sneak into the other dorms. I had never used it, but I think Sirius needs me. "I'm gonna help you." I say out loud, and the next thing I know I am helping Sirius Black lay on his bed.

"My head is killing me." he grumbled. I gently pull off his hipster boots and jump back when a enough water for a tiny pond comes out of them.

I grab some dry pajamas. "oh we're going to bed now, are we?" Sirius smirks. "Nope, just you." I say calmly, because the last thing he needs to think someone else is mad at him. "Well you still have to change me." I laugh, wondering just how many is a few drinks.

"Yep." I stop laughing when I pull his shirt off and am surprised to see scars. Almost like little cigarette burns. "Like what you see?" he asks smiling. "Turn around." I gently command and I see old marks on his back. I know better than to ask. "Okay turn to face me." I say and I pull a dry long sleeve top on him.

I move his wet clothes to the laundry. "You need to do your pants yourself." I command. "Okay, but stay." he says. So I turn around while he changes pants. "They should be mad at me you know." he says suddenly. I can't turn to face him, because he's still changing but I tell the wall "I'm sure they'll forgive you soon." I hear him fall back onto the bed as he struggles with his pajama pants. "NOOO. I put Remus in danger." I give up and I turn back around to walk towards him. "Stand." I say taking hold of the elastic waist band and trying not to admire his Boxers.

As he stands I gently pull the pants up until they are to his hips. "Doesn't Remus put you in danger once a month though? Have to balance that out somehow." Sirius looks up at me and squints. "How do you know that?" I pull down Sirius bedding and gesture for him to climb in. "I'm as smart as I am beautiful." I joke, because I suspect he won't remember this.

"You're full of surprises, Evans." I shake my head. I run and get him some water and advil, and a bucket in case he wakes up needing it. After he takes the medicine, he does something that surprises me. He grabs my wrist and says "Stay."

"I'm not sure, that's a good idea." I sigh. Given how much I like him and how drunk he is. "Please, Y/N. They would let me throw up on myself right now. I need you." I chuckle at that. "Okay, move over." I lay in his bed with his head on my lap. I, without thinking start to run my fingers through his hair. That's what my mom does when I'm sick. The trick seems to work on drunk too though, because he falls asleep almost instantly.

I busy myself trying to read a French book he has on his bedside table. I hardly notice when James and the others walk in. When I do look up I see they all have their jaws on the floor. "You don't want to know. I can go if you want but then you get to be on vomit patrol." I say bluntly. Peter waves his arms like "Nope." James just shakes his head and gets in his own bed.

"You can go if you want to Y/N." Remus says and a part of me knows Remus would take care of him. I look down at the boy in my lap. "Actually all my limbs are asleep so I'd like to stay a little longer." Remus just nods.

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