Broken and Bruised- Eddie Diaz (911)

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This takes place season 3 while Eddie is doing the fight club, just after Buck comes back. Yes it is Eddie x Buck :)

Eddie's POV

I woke up and felt my aching jaw and neck. As a first responder my brain first thought: meningitis. But as I woke more I remembered the fight from last night.

I stood slowly and made my way to the bathroom.
'Geez.' I thought as I looked in the mirror.

The guy really did a number on me. I might have won but the bruises on my jaw and neck were undeniably noticeable.

I went back to my room in hopes to find a turtleneck or sweatshirt to hide this from Christopher.

I bent down and my whole back hurt so bad I cried out.

I was suddenly on the ground. I groaned. I bit my lip. This was not good. The extra cash was going to help us out, but it didn't matter if I couldn't get up for Christopher.

"Dad." I heard his voice call from outside my bedroom door.

"I'll be right there, buddy." I say as I sit up and lean against my bed, still on the floor.

I know who I have to call. I reach for my phone and hold my ribs as I do. Was there any part of me that wasn't hurting?

I could have sworn it wasn't this bad last night, but I'm guessing the adrenaline has worn off.

"Hey." I say into the phone. I try to keep my breath steady.

"Hey, you okay?" the voice on the other end says.

I look to the sky thinking about how to handle this.

"I'm not feeling so hot. Might be a bug. Can you, uhh, take Christopher for school for me?"

"I'll be there in 10."

I hang up.

I manage to get a sweatshirt on. My back and ribs are not happy with the movement, but I have to get some breakfast into Christopher.

I make it out to the kitchen to see Christopher got himself some cereal and juice. He also already dressed himself for school.

"Hey buddy." I say as I ruffle his hair. "Sorry, I was being a slowpoke."

"Dad...Are you...okay?" I nod. "Yeah. Just a little sore from work yesterday. You're going to ride to school with Buck, okay?"

Christopher nods, clearly happy with who I called.

I manage to pour myself some coffee and down three Advil before Buck arrives.

He lets himself in. "Hey Christopher. Can you go grab your backpack?" Buck says. I throw my hood on my sweatshirt up.

Christopher gets up and gives Buck a quick hug before making his way to his room.

I put my head in my hands. "Woahhh, you don't look so good. Good thing it's your day off."

"My shift starts at 2." I groan.

"Not like this it doesn't."

I look up at him. "I'll figure it out." Buck's eyes narrow. "What's that on your neck?"

I tighten my hoodie strings quickly. "Nothing."

Buck takes long stride towards me. "It's not nothing. I can see it." He goes to pull off my hood. "No, Buck don't." I try to gently push him off without panicking myself or him. But he manages to get the upper hand and pulls down my hood, revealing what I was trying to hide.

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