Yes, You do - Harry Potter (HP)

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I could not believe my luck. It figures that Oliver Wood, Gryffindor Quidditch captain, would schedule our practices on Tuesday mornings.

It was like a joke known to all Hogwarts students. It always rains on Tuesdays. Maybe not always, but the pattern was quite clear. It rained on average about 3 Tuesdays a month. There is no magic there, just an unlucky coincidence.

I grumbled as I marched out to the fields just before dawn. The twins were messing around as usual. Katie and Alicia were deep in conversation. Wood looked positively intense as he stared at our plays.

So I sat down next to my best friend, Harry Potter.

"It's going to rain." he says with a smirk. "Don't tell me. Tell Wood." I say. I rest my head on Harry's shoulder hoping to go back to sleep.

"That would require him to look up from the play book and check the sky."

"Mmmm." I sound out.

"You alright?" Harry asks me.

Truthfully I had woken with a killer headache and the rainy air was only making me wish I was in my bed sleeping it off. "Yeah, I'm good." I say as I lean further into Harry. He smelled like broom polish and the woodsy soap Mrs. Weasley buys all the children in her brood.

"You're not. You're exhausted. You have to rest more." Harry insists, sounding concerned.

With OWLs coming up I had very little time for rest. "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

Before I could fight off Harry with a witty comment, Wood said "Alright, let's head out."

We practiced for a full 5 minutes before the skies opened up and rain poured down over the team. Wood made us finish the 45 minute practice anyways.

I desperately wished I had slept in, but Wood wanted dedication and that was the one thing I could give him.

"Nice throws out there (L/N)." Fred says as we walk back to castle, soaked to the bone.

"Yes, really impressive." George smiles.

"Thanks. I've been working on it." I say quietly. My head is killing me now.

"Hey you alright (Y/N)?" Katie asks.
"You've gone a bit pale." Angelina worries.

Just before we reach the castle the doors, I feel quite dizzy. My legs start to wobble and they almost give out. Before I can respond to them or be over-dramatic, muscley arms wrap around me.

"Alright. Enough of this. Let's get you lying down." Harry says determinedly. He gently guides me through the door.

I can't even think straight. "Where are we going?" I ask. "The Common Room."

"I can walk on my own. I do not need your help." I say.

"Yes, you do." Harry says as he continues to half drag me up the stairs.

We make it to the Common Room and I crash on the couch. Harry starts to pull my shoes off. I moan. "We have to get breakfast and then go to class."

Harry shakes his head. "We have time for a power nap."

He flops on the other side of the couch. He wiggles his feet under me and I want to tell him to shove off, but I really like his warmth.

"Sleep (Y/N)."

I close my eyes and sink into the couch with Harry.

"I don't like you telling me what to do." I murmur.

I can almost hear the smirk on Harry's face as he says "Yes, you do."

I awake on my own. I expected Harry would have woken me for class. I sit up to find him sitting in the other chair reading a book. Behind him I can see the still stormy sky but I suspect it is much later than I want to think it is.

"What time is it?" I ask anxiously.

"11:30." Harry says calmly.

I grab a pillow and throw it at him. "You were supposed to wake me. I can't be missing classes, Harry." I start to stand, but still feel my legs wobble. Harry is instantly at my side, holding me upright.

"You need a day off."

"I do not need a day off."

"Yes, you do (Y/N). You can barely stand, you've worn yourself out and I won't have it. Back to bed." he demands.

I feel myself sigh. A little more sleep would be nice. I gently pull away from Harry's grip. "Okay." I say softly.

He nods seemingly satisfied. "But can it be down here with you?" I ask feeling like a little kid.

He smiles. "Of course it can. Come on."

He lets me stretch out and put my head in his lap on a pillow. It doesn't long for me to feel the safe hands of my best friend in my hair. I drift off before the sun comes up.

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