Chapter 5 - Ignoring

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So guys here is the next update

They were coming closer and closer , their nose tips were touching , their lips were just coming more closer and closer , but then Pravya suddenly opened her eyes and came back to reality , and then noticed their position and then she suddenly came out from his hold , and then she ran and went inside to the room , Ranbir stood there a little confused so he followed her to his room

At Ranbir's room

He came inside the room to see where is Pravya , she was facing towards the window , her eyes were a little moist , she was continuously thinking about that incident

Ranbir came towards her , Pravya was about to go but then he stopped her by holding her hands

Ranbir :- What happened ??????

Pravya :- Ranbir , please leave me

Ranbir :- No , I will not leave you , tell me why are you disturbed , it's because of what happened a few minutes ago right ??????

Pravya just looked down without uttering a word

Ranbir :- See , that was not intentional , I am sorry if you felt bad

Pravya :- No it's okay , my mistake was also there , let's forget about it

Ranbir :- Yes okay fine

Pravya :- Let me change

Then she ran to the washroom , and closed the door , and switched on the shower and got completely drenched in that she was continuously getting reminded of whatever happened few minutes ago and was continuously crying like anything , she couldn't control her tears

After sometime
She came out wearing her night clothes

After sometime She came out wearing her night clothes

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She wore this and came out

Ranbir took a shower from the other washroom , and came to his room , he saw Pravya facing towards all those photo frames of his and Prachi , and tears was coming out from her eyes continuously , Ranbir got so confused seeing it

Ranbir came towards her

Ranbir :- What happened ?????? Why are you crying ??????

Pravya :- (she immediately wiped her tears) No nothing Ranbir , just like that

Ranbir :- (not satisfied and confused) Just like that ??????

Pravya :- Ranbir , let's sleep , good night (she immediately went to the bed and covered herself with a duvet)

Ranbir felt something fishy seeing her , but then later he left it , and went to the couch and slept there

Next day morning
Pravya came down wearing a blue coloured churidar

At the dining hall All the members were sitting , Pravya straight came to Dida and back-hugged her

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At the dining hall
All the members were sitting , Pravya straight came to Dida and back-hugged her

Pravya :- Happy birthday Dida (all got so shocked and surprised by this , nobody wished her , only Ranbir , Pravya and Sid wished her today , and all became shocked wondering how come Pravya came to know Dida's birthday)

Dida :- (happy) Thank you so much puttar 😊

Pravya :- You're welcome Dida

Over makeup ki dukaan was fuming in anger seeing Dida giving more attention to Pravya

As usual Rhea sat next to her chamchi Pallavi , as Ranbir didn't give his companion seat to her

Pravya sat next to Ranbir as there were no other seats left , Pravya didn't even look at him , as she was not getting courage to see him , Ranbir was feeling very dejected by this

Pravya after eating went to office leaving behind Ranbir confused

At the office
At Ranbir's cabin

He was continuously thinking why is Pravya ignoring him

At Pravya's side
She was seeing a photo frame and her eyes was getting moist seeing it

Pravya :- (thought) I know you really miss me , but I can't tell you anything now , as it will end everything , I am so sorry for this (then she hugged the photo frame , and cried like anything

Then suddenly Ranbir came inside Pravya's cabin , and locked the door , Pravya soon kept the photo frame inside , and acted as if she is bold

Pravya :- Hiiiii Ranbir , what do you want now ???????

Ranbir :- See no need to act , were you crying right now ???????

Pravya :- No , I was not crying , ACP Pravya doesn't know how to cry

Ranbir :- Ohhh really , seeing your face itself I can understand you were crying

Pravya :- Okay I was crying , if I was crying then why are you getting bothered ?????? I am no one to you right , don't care for me this much please (she was about to go , but then Ranbir held her wrists)

Ranbir :- Pravya , please don't ignore me like this , what's wrong , see I really care for you , your feelings really matter to me , please what's wrong ???????

Pravya just looked down without giving an answer to him

Ranbir :- (suspicious look) Are you hiding something from me ??????? (which made Pravya look at him very shocked , tears were flowing down from her face , but then she wiped it off , and tried to remove Ranbir's grip and ran outside from the cabin)

Ranbir was feeling very weird seeing Pravya's behavior , as something is wrong

Pravya was driving the car very harshly and she reached the kohli mansion and reached the room , and closed the door , and started crying like anything , she then sat on the bed with a thud and looked at those photos of Ranbir and Prachi with a moist eyes

So guys here is the update , I hope you all liked it

Precap :- Same precap , People misunderstanding Ranbir and Pravya to be ____________ , and people considering over makeup ki dukaan to be ___________ (guess what it can be ????????)

Question of the day
1) What is Pravya hiding ??????

2) Why is Ranbir feeling something fishy seeing Pravya's behavior ??????? (Please please please please please tell me in comments)

Anyone please tag all the members

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Yours lovely writer

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