Chapter 32 - Going on good

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So guys here is the next update

Vividha :- What is happening here ??????

Rhea :- Woh actually Siddharth's hands got injured and I just tied by dupatta around the wound so it will come better , that's it

Vividha :- That and all okay , but you could've asked me right Siddharth , if there was any problem???

Sid :- I called you many times but you didn't come , and no need to shout at Rhea , she just helped me that's it , thank you Rhea 😊 (Vividha felt more confused seeing this)

Rhea :- You're welcome Siddharth ☺️ (and then she turned back and smirked like anything and left from there)

Someone saw all this scene and was evilly smirking and called that person again

The person :- Oh my god , our plan is coming to our tracks only

The person on the other side :- Very good , let it continue like this only (to which both smirked like anything and cut their calls)

At Pranbir's room

Ranbir was looking something at his laptop , and at that time Prachi came inside walking with a crutch for an extra support , now Prachi is able to walk with the support of a crutch , and she saw Ranbir doing something in his laptop , Ranbir saw Prachi coming and immediately closed his laptop , Prachi felt something very suspicious

Prachi :- (suspicious) Hmm what were you looking in the laptop??? Show me

Ranbir :- (acting like nothing happened) Hmm no nothing , I was looking at some office work

Prachi :- Ohhh , if you were looking at some office work then why did you close the laptop so fast???

Ranbir :- Wo... wohhh...... actually I.........

Prachi :- Hmm I kya Mr Baklu ??????

Ranbir :- I wanted........ I wanted to talk with you , yeah I wanted to talk with you (and then he fake laughed 😂😂😂)

Prachi :- Ohhh so Mr Baklu wanted to talk with me ?????? Show me , show me

Ranbir :- Okay fine I will admit , I was seeing the pictures of

Prachi :- (a little angry) Pictures of ??????

Ranbir :- Look at this (he showed it to her and she got so angry , she took a pillow and gave him a tight slap with that)

Prachi :- You're seeing pictures of all these girls , you buddhu baklu , you've such a beautiful wife that is me who is next to you and you're behind these girls (she pushed him) Get lost you duffer , oh my god at what time I felt running away and getting married with this dumbo idiot , oh my god (and then she got up from there and left from there)

Ranbir :- Prachi listen to me na ????????

Prachi :- (she turned back) Get lost you duffer , ask those girls only to listen to you baklu 😠😠(then she came out and she started laughing like anything)

Prachi's P.O.V

Oh my god Ranbir , I knew you were not looking at those girls picture , I was just pulling your leg , you've no idea how much cute you were looking , and I always love kidding with you , hmm , let it go like this for this day 😂😂

Prachi's P.O.V ends

Prachi was coming to the hall and someone rang the bell , she went to open it and that person happens to be commissioner maam

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