Chapter 20 - Fighting

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So guys here is the next update

Vividha :- (noticed that Prachi was lost in her thoughts and got confused and asked her) Bhabhi , what happened ??? And Why are you crying ???

Prachi :- (she came back to reality and wiped her tears off) No nothing , come let's go

Vividha :- (smiling) Okay fine (then they both left from there)

At the car

Vividha was driving the car and Prachi was sitting in the passenger seat

Vividha :- Bhabhi , where are we going now ??????

Prachi :- To the graveyard

Vividha :- (shocked) Graveyard , at this hour ?????? Bhabhi will it be safe to go now ??????

Prachi :- See Vividha , what is the maximum that can take place , some ghost will come and kill us na , there is nothing more that can happen , so let's go there , as the evidence I am searching is in the graveyard only

Vividha :- Bhabhi , what is the evidence you're searching for ???????

Prachi :- Actually that evidence is inside a locket which is worn by a person who is dead now and his body is kept in the graveyard , so I need to get this evidence and (she took the gun which was kept with her) and kill that bastard (to which she got so angry and evilly smirked like anything)

Vividha :- Who is that person ??????

Prachi :- That and all you will come to know , anyways let's go now (then Vividha nodded and drove towards the graveyard)

At the graveyard

Prachi and Vividha came out , it was completely dark , Vividha was getting scared by the silent atmosphere , but Prachi was not at all scared , she was only focused on getting the locket , they both were searching and searching and then finally they found the the area where that person's dead body was kept

Prachi :- (breathily heavily) Vividha , here it is , is there anything we can get to dig this entirely

Vividha :- Let me see bhabhi (then she searched all around that area and got one and gave one to Prachi and they both started digging it and then after many tries it reached the body , and Prachi was searching and searching for the locket and finally she got the locket)

Vividha :-  Let me see bhabhi (then she searched all around that area and got one and gave one to Prachi and they both started digging it and then after many tries it reached the body , and Prachi was searching and searching for the locket and fin...

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Prachi :- Vividha , we need to keep this right

Vividha :- Okay bhabhi (then they again threw sand on that and covered the dead body entirely and kept it alright as it was before , and then they both left from there)

Inside the car

Prachi took the locket and opened it and got the evidence and she was smirking like anything

Prachi :- (smirking evilly) Vividha , now we will only win

Vividha :- (was confused) But how come bhabhi ??????

Prachi :- That and all you will see , now let's go to the warehouse in XYZ area

Vividha :- (scared) Bhabhi are you sure , you want to go now only ??????? Bhabhi you're pregnant now , why are you taking risk ??????

Prachi :- Vividha , if we will not catch this person , then he will again continue to do crimes , for me my parents life is important

Vividha :- What happened to your parents ???????

Prachi :- Because of that bastard , my parents are in coma now , it's two months and still they're not recovering , I need to nab that person with my own hands , or else I will not be able to live happily

Vividha :- (still scared but agreed) Okay fine bhabhi

Then she drove and reached the warehouse

Meanwhile at Ranbir's side

Sid came to Ranbir's room

Ranbir was walking here and there with full tension

Sid :- Ranbir , calm down , Prachi will come back , she has not gone alone , Vividha is also there with her so don't worry

Ranbir :- No yaar , she has not even called me till now , is something wrong ???????

Sid :- Stop thinking negative Ranbir , she will come back safely , don't worry

Ranbir :- No yaar , this girl , is completely behind taking revenge on that person , I am scared if she will completely forget about her health and our baby

Sid :- No yaar , nothing will happen , Prachi is a strong girl , she will take care of herself , so don't worry

Ranbir :- No yaar I am having a feeling that something bad is going to happen

Sid :- Calm down Ranbir , nothing will happen to Prachi , she will come back safely (Ranbir didn't answer anything , he just nodded his head and sat on the bed with a thud)

At the warehouse

Prachi opened the door by kicking it with her leg in anger and came inside and saw four people standing there , Prachi was about to go , but then Vividha held her wrists and stopped her , and Prachi got confused by this

Vividha :- Bhabhi , why are you taking stress , you don't take stress , you just stand here , I will do the magic don't worry

Prachi :- (confused) But you know how to do all this ??????

Vividha :- To whom are you talking to bhabhi , now you will see the magic (now facing towards the four people standing there) Come here

To which all people came , she gave one punch on one of the person's stomach and then Prachi took her gun and shot that person , then Vividha kicked on person's leg and Prachi shot that person , then they did the same thing with the other two people

Then one person came from side , and was about to kick Prachi , but Prachi punched on his stomach , and entirely flipped him and threw him onto the ground with a thud , and shot at him , then this fight continued , and then Prachi went inside a place , where she found her enemy sitting there , that enemy happens to be (any guesses , who it can be ??????? Tell me in comments)

So yeah here is the next update , I hope you all like it

Precap :-  Prachi's life in danger , A major shock for Ranbir , a major breakdown for the Kohlis

Question of the day
1) Who is Prachi's enemy ???????

2) What happened to Prachi ??????? Why is her life in danger ???????

3) What is the major shock for Ranbir I am specifying here ??????

4) What is the major breakdown that the Kohlis are having ???????

5) Is the story getting interesting or boring ?????? Was this update good ??????(Please please please please please answer all these questions in the comments section)

Should I give the next update today ???????

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PranbiRxSidneeT please do tag all the members

Yours lovely writer

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