Chapter 31 - Doubtful

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So guys here is the next update

Rhea :- Yes I don't want Ranbir now , he will never be mine now (thank you so much over makeup ki dukaan for realising this 😒😒😒)

Aliya :- Who do you want now ???????

Rhea :- Siddharth!!!!!!! (To which Aliya got so shocked hearing this)

Aliya :- (very shocked) Siddharth ????????

Rhea :- (stern look and smirking devilishly) Yes!!! Mujhe Siddharth chahiye (to which Aliya got so shocked like anything)

Aliya :- But you loved Ranbir right ???????

Rhea :- Yes , but I will not get Ranbir now , he doesn't even like me , that Prachi manipulated and brainwashed him like anything , I will not leave that Prachi also , she snatched everything from me , now this Vividha came and snatched my husband and everyone from me , buji he is mine , he became mine already that day , so whatever is mine will be mine only na buji ??????

Aliya :- Don't worry sweetheart , Siddharth will be yours in some days , for that you will have to take care of Siddharth , and from that care he should start feeling comfortable with you more than feeling comfortable with Vividha , and slowly slowly he will start falling in love with you , how is it ???????

Rhea :- Buji , this is an amazing idea , okay buji , just wait and watch , he will love me back the same way how he used to love me before , just wait and watch buji (then they both hugged each other so tightly , and at that time someone was watching this and smirking evilly like anything that person informed the main person about this)

The person :- (evilly smirking) Hello , the plan is going according to our plan only

The person from the other side :- (evilly smirking) Ohhh wowwwww , now let it keep going on like this

The person :- (evilly smirking) Hmm (then they both cut the calls and kept their phones aside)

At the Kohli house

Rhea straight came to Ranbir's room and saw that , Ranbir was holding Prachi and was trying to make her walk and she was holding a crutch for an extra support and was trying to walk , Rhea was jealous seeing Prachi , but then she left it , that time Ranbir saw Rhea and asked her rudely

Ranbir :- (rudely) What are you doing here now ??????

Rhea :- Ranbir , actually I came here to forgive you both , I understood that I came in between you both , I am so sorry Ranbir (she held Prachi's hands also) Prachi I am so sorry , please do forgive me

Prachi :- (got so emotional and hugged her and Rhea smirked) Rhea , thank you so much for understanding , you know I am so happy now

Ranbir :- (unbelievable look) Prachi , seriously in just one word itself you believed her ???????

Prachi :- Ranbir , don't worry she has changed I know , Rhea why don't you go and complete the rest of the household chores??? 😂 (to which Rhea's smirking face got faded and a shocking and an angry face came but then she controlled herself)

Rhea :- Anything for you Prachi (and then she left from there with an angry face)

Ranbir :- (smiling and with a little angry face) Prachi you're impossible

Prachi :- Ohhh now only you came to know , very bad Mr Kohli (Ranbir then went down and wrapped his arms around Prachi's stomach and told the babies)

Ranbir :- Hey babies , your mom is not just a chickchiki , she is also a sherni , so don't worry you all will be happy and safe with her (to which he earned a glare from Prachi and she lightly hit his head and he just smiled at her)

At Siddharth's room

He was coming to his room and at that time his hand hit a sharp object and blood was coming out

Sid :- Vividha , Vividha (but she didn't come so Rhea was passing by and saw Sid with an injured hand so Rhea smirked and came inside and came towards Sid and held his hands and Sid got very confused by her behaviour)

Rhea :- (worried) Siddharth , how come your hand got injured??? (then she tore her dupatta piece and tied it around Sid's hands , and Sid got impressed by this)

Sid :- Thank you 😊

Rhea :- (she touched his shoulders and told) It's okay , anything for you Siddharth (and at that time Vividha came and saw this scene and she got confused by this)

Vividha :- What is happening here ??????

Rhea :- Woh actually Siddharth's hands got injured and I just tied by dupatta around the wound so it will come better , that's it

Vividha :- That and all okay , but you could've asked me right Siddharth , if there was any problem???

Sid :- I called you many times but you didn't come , and no need to shout at Rhea , she just helped me that's it , thank you Rhea 😊 (Vividha felt more confused seeing this)

Rhea :- You're welcome Siddharth ☺️ (and then turned back and smirked like anything and left from there)

Someone saw all this scene and was evilly smirking and called that person again

The person :- Oh my god , our plan is coming to our tracks only

The person on the other side :- Very good , let it continue like this only (to which both smirked like anything and cut their calls)

So guys here is the next update , I hope you all liked it

Guys don't think that I am making this story to focus on Sid - Vividha - Rhea , this is a pranbir-centric story only , I am doing all this just for a reason that's it , I hope you all will understand

Precap :- More fun and twists and turns coming forward , be ready for a roller coaster ride 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Question of the day
1) Who are those two persons smirking hearing all their talks ????????

2) Was the update good ??????

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Yours lovely writer

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