Chapter 30 - Madness

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So guys here is the next update

The next day morning

Siddharth was taking bath in the washroom

Sid :- Vividha , please get my towel which is kept on the bed

Rhea was walking by the room and at that time she heard Siddharth asking for something

Sid :- Vividha , are you there ?????? If you're there then please get my towel which is kept on the bed

Rhea saw that if Vividha was anywhere but she was nowhere to be seen , so she decided to give the towel to him , and then she took the towel from the bed and gave it to him , and then she gave it to him and he thinking she to be Vividha , he touched her hands and pulled her towards him , and he back-hugged her and Rhea was breathily heavily and was smiling (I don't know what's wrong with her now 😒😒)

Rhea saw that if Vividha was anywhere but she was nowhere to be seen , so she decided to give the towel to him , and then she took the towel from the bed and gave it to him , and then she gave it to him and he thinking she to be Vividha , he touch...

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She was breathing heavily and was trying to talk

Rhea :- Siddharth , it's me

Siddharth got so shocked and she turned around he got so shocked seeing Rhea here

Sid :- How come you're here ??????? Sorry I thought it was Vividha , I am sorry

Rhea :- It's okay (then Rhea turned and heavily breathing like a mad person)(Guys please keep an oxygen cylinder ready for this woman😂😂)

At Rhea's room
She came to her room , and went to the washroom and switched on the shower , and got completely drenched on that , she was reminiscing whatever happened with her and Siddharth , she was heavily breathing thinking all that

Then after sometime she came out from the washroom and she came towards the mirror and stood there smirking

Rhea :- (smirking) I will never get Ranbir back now , that I know , that Prachi snatched Ranbir from me , but now I don't care , my husband Siddharth is here right now , I know he married Vividha but I don't care , I am his first wife and that matters , and I didn't love him before , but now I don't know , I think I have fallen in love with Siddharth , hmm for clearing my confusions I will have to ask buji , she will be the best person for this (and then she evilly smirked like anything)

At Pranbir's side

Prachi was sitting on the bed and Ranbir was laying down on Prachi's laps and she was caressing his hairs

Prachi :- Ranbir , why am I having a feeling that there is a problem going to come in Sid and Vividha's lives

Ranbir :- (he got up from her laps and faced towards her) Why are you feeling like that ???

Prachi :- No I am just having a feeling that's it

Ranbir :- No you're maybe overthinking that's it , Sid and Vividha loves each other and even trust also each other very much , so nothing can come between them as their love for each other is very strong , you just don't think much , or else our babies will get more tensed thinking about you (to which both smiled at each other)

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