Chapter 28 - Change

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So guys here is the next update

At Kohli Mansion

At Vikram and Pallavi's side

Vikram :- Pallavi , do you think it was our mistake to believe Rhea all the time ??????

Pallavi :- Why are you feeling like that now ???????

Vikram :- No , I am having a feeling that Prachi was right all the time , you know whatever you say she is pregnant with our son's children , and do you think what you did was right with her ???????

Pallavi :- But Rhea loves Ranbir right ??????? I did all this for her only

Vikram :- No , I don't think so she loves Ranbir , if she loves Ranbir , she would've thought about his happiness , I was doubting her since the day you and Rhea tried to kill Ranbir and Prachi's baby , if she loves Ranbir she would've thought of his happiness , and his happiness lies in Prachi and their children , and she was trying to destroy his happiness , do you think is she that good for you hate Prachi ??????????

Pallavi :- Vikram , I am just not able to accept that girl as my daughter-in-law , she took my Ranbir away from me

Dida came from behind and told them

Dida :- It's not because of Prachi , it's all because of your ego and selfishness Ranbir went away from us

Pallavi :- How could you say this mummyji ???How come I am the problem for all this situations ???????

Dida :- You remember the day when they came to this house after their marriage , they both were pleading and begging in front of you to accept them , who threw them out of this house ??????? Tell me ??????? Vikram had no other choice and he just obeyed whatever you said , imagine if I would've threw you both from this house , and insulted you like anything , how you would've felt ???????? I should've also become like those strict mother-in-laws who shouts at her daughter , it was my mistake to consider you as my daughter , I gave you all freedom , I didn't shout at you or insult you for any mistakes you've done , I should've also done that before only , so you would've learnt a great lesson and you would'nt have insulted your daughter-in-law Prachi (to which Pallavi got shocked and teary-eyed and left from there)

Vikram :- Beeji , why were you telling all like that to Pallavi ???????

Dida :- She should learn an important lesson , you love her like anything right ??????? For this I could've also said that your wife snatched you from me , but no , because I know a son has a love for both his mother and wife , like this also Ranbir loves Prachi , and when you both used to shout and insult her , Ranbir used to support her and you guys think that he got trapped in her tracks and snatched him from you all , but no , his love for you all is different compared to the love he has for Prachi , if you've brains then give it a thought or else destroy your life supporting that girl Rhea (Dida then left from there and Vikram was in his own thoughts)

After sometime
Ranbir and Prachi came to the hall , Prachi was sitting on the wheelchair and Ranbir was sitting down and Prachi was just playing with his hairs , and at that time , someone came inside and that someone happens to be

After sometime Ranbir and Prachi came to the hall , Prachi was sitting on the wheelchair and Ranbir was sitting down and Prachi was just playing with his hairs , and at that time , someone came inside and that someone happens to be

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