Chapter 9 - Ignoring is bad

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So guys here is the next update

Pravya didn't answer anything and she was about to go from there but she was stopped by a word told by him

Ranbir :- PRACHI

This made her stop in her tracks and she stood there so shocked to her core, she got so shocked to the core which made her turn towards him

She turned around and faced towards him , he noticed that she was heavily breathing like anything

Pravya :- (shocked and heavily breathing)  Whattttt ??????

Ranbir :- No nothing I mean , I just thought of Prachi and her name came out that's it

Pravya calmed down a little

Pravya :- Oh okay , let me go , I will sleep with Dida

Ranbir :- What happened ?????? Why you're not sleeping here ??????

Pravya :- I said na , I will sleep with Dida

Ranbir :- (annoying) No need to ignore me more , I will go and sleep elsewhere , you sleep here peacefully , good night (and then he gave an angry glare to her and left from there)

Pravya was feeling very sad and she closed the door and cried like anything , she couldn't stop herself from crying , she covered her mouth and cried like anything

The next day
At the dining hall

All were sitting and at that time Pravya came down

When she came down she sat next to Ranbir , but the next thing what happened made her feel dejected

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When she came down she sat next to Ranbir , but the next thing what happened made her feel dejected

Ranbir :- Dida , mom , dad , I have a meeting to attend , I will come today a little late , so see you all (so he got up from his chair and left from there leaving behind a dejected Pravya)

Dida :- Pravya , is anything wrong ??????

Pravya :- (fake smiling) Maybe he is stuck with some work Dida , I don't know (she also got up from her seat and was about to go but Dida stopped her)

Dida :- Puttar , now where you going ?????? Come on finish off this breakfast and then go na ??????

Pravya :- No Dida , I have some work today , I will be coming back soon , see you all (and then she left from there)

At Ranbir's office
Ranbir was doing his work and at that time Pravya came to his cabin

Ranbir saw her coming inside

Ranbir :- Yes what do you want now ?????? If I am right , you were the one who used to not come to me and ignore me , now why you came ??????

Pravya :- Woh , woh

Ranbir :- What woh , woh ??????

Pravya :- Woh (teary eyes) Woh

Ranbir got so annoyed , so he went away from there leaving a sad Pravya behind , she decided to follow him and clear all his misunderstandings

Pravya :- Ranbir , Ranbir (she ran and pulled him towards a room and locked the door)

Ranbir :- Why you pulled me like this ???????

Pravya :- I just want to ask you something ??????

Ranbir :- Yes tell me

Pravya :- Why you got separated from Prachi ??????

Ranbir :- (confused) Why you want to know this ???????

Pravya :- Just answer my question Ranbir , why you got separated from Prachi ??????

Ranbir :- Because she cheated on me , she was having an extramarital affair , if you were at my place , how would you've reacted ???????

Pravya :- See I can understand if someone sees something like that with their own eyes then they will get angry , but have you ever given a chance for her to speak ????????

Ranbir didn't answer back as he knew he didn't do that

Pravya :- (she started crying like anything and told him that) Leave all that , while saying all this to Prachi that day , have you once thought about her feelings ?????? (She was crying like anything while telling all this) No , have you ever thought of the amount of love she has for you ?????? (Ranbir got shocked and confused by this) Again no , have you ever thought that instead of you , if she told all that to you how you would've felt ?????? What if she called you a cheater (Ranbir was shocked) , What if she told that you were having an extramarital affair and you were cheating her for 2 years ??????? (she screamed and held his shoulders like anything) What if she cursed you and said that all these years you were having a very happy married life with a girl cheating on her ???????? Tell me Ranbir , tell me (shock was an understatement for him) Again a big no , so seriously are you a fool ??????? (Ranbir was very shocked by this) , I just want to ask you that , you always thought that you left your family right , you did that , you did this all for her , but have you once thought that after you got married to her , what all problems she faced , you atleast had clue about where your parents were , but she had no clue of where her parents were , you always thought about yourself , you never thought about her , she is also a person who has feelings right (she held his shoulders tightly and Ranbir was feeling extremely shocked and confused) Tell me Ranbir , tell me (she screamed while telling this)

Ranbir couldn't open his mouth all the while she was talking but finally he opened his mouth

Ranbir :- How come you know about all this ???????

Pravya couldn't open her mouth , but she was gritting her teeth , tears were continuously flowing from her eyes , and she was breathing heavily

Ranbir :- (he held her shoulders tightly and asked her) How come you know about all this ??????? Tell me god damnit , how come you know about all this ??????

PRAVYA :- BECAUSE THE PRACHI YOU CONSIDER DEAD IS ALIVE (She screamed on top of her voice while saying all this)

Ranbir got so shocked hearing this , he slowly left his hands from her shoulders and he asked her once again

Ranbir :- What you said right now ???????

She didn't utter a word and wiped her tears and went away from there , Ranbir was breathing heavily and was so shocked by whatever she told , he went down to his knees and sat in the ground and was digesting whatever she said to him now

So guys here is the next update , I hope you all like it

Precap :- Ranbir's confusions cleared (What confusions are cleared ??????? Please tell me in the comments)

If possible should I give the next update today only ???????

Question of the day
1) Why did Ranbir suddenly call Pravya as Prachi ???????

2) Why was Pravya shocked when Ranbir called Prachi ???????

3) Is Prachi alive ??????

4) What does Pravya mean by saying Prachi is still alive ??????

5) Is the story getting interesting or boring ?????? (Please please please please please answer all these questions in the comments section)

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Yours lovely writer

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