Chapter 34 - Seriously

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So guys here is the next update

At Sid-Vividha's room

Sid :- (angry) Why are you behaving like this??

Vividha :- (angry) Ohhh you don't know why I am behaving like this ?????? Don't you dare act innocent Siddharth , I very well know what is happening , so it's better you keep quiet

Sid :- Oh my god , how many times should I clear to you , there is nothing yaar , that was just a mistake yaar

Vividha :- Ohhh , It was just a mistake that made that Rhea be pregnant with your child ??????(Sid got so shocked by this 😳😳😳 , and one person was very happy seeing this and then another person from behind was smirking seeing all this and turned back and smirked so evilly , and called someone to inform this)

The person :- Hello , our plan is on tracks , hey ready to see our victory

The person :- Yes , it will be our victory only (and then both laughed and cut the calls and smirked evilly like anything)

Sid :- (very shocked) Vividha what are you saying ???????

Vividha :- (angry) Shocked or acting like you got shocked ????????

Sid :- Vividha but how come this is possible , I don't know , please I didn't do anything wrong

Vividha :- Siddharth don't act okay , don't show such actions to me (that time Rhea came inside with an acting crying face , Sid came towards her and asked her for the truth)

Sid :- Rhea , what the hell is Vividha saying ??????

Rhea :- Actually , that day during our honeymoon we consummated our marriage right , so because of that I am pregnant with your child now (to which Sid and Vividha got very shocked)

Vividha :- (came towards Sid) Siddharth why didn't you tell me about all this ??????? You could've told about all this before marriage itself na ??????

Sid :- (stern look) So you don't believe me right ?????? You're not ready to trust me right?

Vividha :- (crying like anything) How can I trust you Siddharth ????????

Sid :- (angry and stern look) Okay fine (he then held Rhea's hands and came towards the hall , Prachi and everyone standing there were shocked seeing the entire scenario) Dida , I want to get married to Rhea (to which all got so shocked by hearing this from Sid)

Dida :- Sid , puttar , what are you saying ????? You want to marry this chudail ??????? You're married to Vividha right , then how come you can marry this chudail ??????? (Rhea was fuming when Dida was calling her chudail)

Prachi :- (shocked) Sid , how can you do this ??????? You're already married to Vividha right ??????? How can you marry this chudail leaving Vividha ????????

Sid :- Prachi , Dida , I am sorry , but I can't betray Rhea anymore , she is pregnant with my child (to which all got so shocked 😳😳😳)

Shahana :- What the hell 😳😳😳

Aryan :- (shocked) Bro , what are you saying ???????

Sid :- (now facing towards Rhea) Will you marry me Rhea ???????

Rhea :- (very happy showing her 32 monkey teeth and hugging him) Yes Siddharth , I will marry you , I love you , I love you so much (Siddharth was hesitantly hugging her and then he broke the hug and faced towards the family)

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