Chapter 8 - Melodrama

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So guys here is the next update

Ranbir was not at all interested to go , but still he had to go , he informed his secretary that he is going home and then he left from office

After sometime he reached the kohli mansion

At the Kohli mansion
At the hall

Ranbir came there and Rhea ran towards him and held his hands , he was trying to remove it but he couldn't

Rhea :- Ranbir , please I love you , please marry me , I promise I will be very nice to you , please marry me Ranbir , I love you

Ranbir :- (he jerked away her hands) I am not going to marry you , just get lost from my way

Rhea :- (screaming like a mad person) No no no you will have to marry me , you're mine only , only mine

Ranbir :- That you only can't decide , I am not yours , I am only Prachi's , you're no one to me , now just get lost from my way

Rhea :- (she screamed like anything) Ranbir you're only mine

Ranbir :- No I am not yours , and whatever you want will never even happen in your dreams (then he was about to go but then he was stopped by her)

Rhea :- Ranbir (she took a knife and pointed towards her wrists and told him that) if you will not marry me then I will kill myself right now , if you will not be mine , then I will not live , I will kill myself (all got very shocked seeing this , Ranbir stood a little shocked seeing this) You're mine only Ranbir , if you will not marry me , then I will kill myself right now

"Okay then go ahead and do it"

Rhea was shocked hearing that voice , everyone looked towards the entrance to see who said that , it happened to be


Everyone got so shocked seeing her , she was leaning against the wall and evilly smirking

Pallavi :- Hey you girl , what the hell are you saying ??????

Pravya :- Ranbir , I think your mom has some hearing problem , please take her to some ear specialist (Pallavi got so shocked hearing that , and then Pravya evilly smirked and went to the sofa and sat with full attitude)

Pravya :- Ranbir , I think your mom has some hearing problem , please take her to some ear specialist (Pallavi got so shocked hearing that , and then Pravya evilly smirked and went to the sofa and sat with full attitude)

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Rhea :- (she ignored Pravya and told everyone) I am telling to everyone , if you guys will not get me married to Ranbir , then I will kill myself

Pravya :- That's what I am saying na , go ahead and kill yourself , I also want to see how you will do it (to which Rhea's mouth got zipped as she didn't know what to do)

Rhea :- I will really kill myself

Pravya :- (laughing) That's what I am saying na , what are you waiting for , go ahead and do it , let me see your performance , somebody should be there to sit and clap to see your performance na , so go on let me see your performance

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